Stories from Bonn
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The Chemical and Plastics Industry Will Need to Replace 1 Gt of Fossil Carbon per Year with Renewable Carbon from Biomass, CO₂ and Recycling to Reach Net-Zero by 2050
One documentmore PM: DHL Global Forwarding und Turkish Cargo unterzeichnen Memorandum of Understanding / PR: DHL Global Forwarding and Turkish Cargo sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their cooperation
2 DocumentsmorePM: Deutschland hat das viertgünstigste Briefporto in Europa / PR: Germany has the fourth-lowest letter postage rate in Europe
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PM: Den Worten Taten folgen lassen: DHL stellt auf dem ersten globalen Gipfel der Branche Meilensteine der Nachhaltigkeit und ein neues Tool vor / PR: Putting words into action: DHL unveils sustainability milestones and a new tool at industry-first g
2 Documentsmore PM: DHL Express erweitert seine Flugzeugflotte um neun durch Mammoth umgebaute B777-200LR Maschinen / PR: DHL Express upgrades its fleet with the order of nine Mammoth-converted B777-200LR freighters
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PM: Dominique von Orelli wird neuer CEO von Hillebrand Gori – a DHL company / PR: Dominique von Orelli appointed new CEO Hillebrand Gori – a DHL company
more PM: DHL: Mehr als 60.000 Hilfspakete in die Ukraine befördert / PR: DHL: More than 60,000 care packages shipped to Ukraine
moreBest Lawyers 2023: Marc Klaas and MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte make the grade
Cologne (ots) - MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte and Marc Klaas have been singled out for recognition this year by Best Lawyers. The renowned U.S. publishing company releases an annual list of the top lawyers and law firms in Germany. This year’s 2023 edition features both MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte and Marc Klaas, whose practice covers a number of areas, including corporate ...
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PM: Großer Erfolg für die erste europäische Ausgabe des World Happiness Summit® (WOHASU®) / PR: Great success for the first European edition of the World Happiness Summit® (WOHASU®)
more PR: DHL Global Forwarding wins new 5 year contract with His Majesty’s Passport Office
morePM: Aramco und DHL Supply Chain kündigen neues Joint Venture für End-to-End Beschaffungs- und Logistikservices an / PR: Aramco and DHL Supply Chain announce new end-to-end Procurement and Logistics Hub joint venture
Daniel Kosin appointed Pre-Opening General Manager for IntercityHotel Heidelberg. Opening expected in June 2023.
One documentmoredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
4Inspiration, role model, getting to have a say: What makes influencers so successful among young people - and what journalism can learn from them
moreGerman HEIs more internationally popular than ever | "Wissenschaft weltoffen 2022" published
Wissenschaft weltoffen 2022 German HEIs more internationally popular than ever Even after two years of the corona pandemic, the Federal Republic is one of the world’s most popular countries for international students. The German Academic Exchange Service ( Deutscher Akademischer ...
moreNOMOS Glashütte/SA Roland Schwertner KG
6In record time! NOMOS Ahoi: An extreme swimmer
moreFrankfurt-Hahn Airport in Germany: Transaction process started
Hahn (Hunsrück) (ots) - The provisional insolvency administrator of the companies of the Frankfurt-Hahn Airport Group, Dr Jan Markus Plathner, has commissioned the renowned Düsseldorf-based M&A consultancy Falkensteg to look for one or more investors for the German Frankfurt-Hahn Airport Group or its assets including the property. Investors have the option of acquiring all assets, units to be defined or single assets. ...
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LEONINE Studios picks up worldwide distribution rights to high-end spy series BONN
Dollarisation Does Not Go Hand In Hand With Heightened Financial Market Risks, Study Says
Dollarisation Does Not Go Hand In Hand With Heightened Financial Market Risks, Study Says Financial Dollarisation in emerging market economies does not necessarily lead to more vulnerability in the respective financial system, according to a recently published study with the participation of the University of Mannheim. “The common view that financial dollarisation ...
moreDAAD Annual Report 2020: Lively exchange in difficult times
moreNew scholarship programme for threatened students and doctoral candidates | DAAD Press release No. 19
moreFORLIANCE supports Verra
moreSocial Stigma Burdens Innovative Lung Cancer-Therapies, Study Says
Social Stigma Burdens Innovative Lung Cancer-Therapies, Study Says Social stigma towards diseases such as lung cancer can hinder patients to seek treatment and, as a consequence, negatively affects the diffusion of innovative therapies, according to a recently published study. “Lung cancer carries a unique social stigma due to its association with cigarette smoking, and hence is often seen as a smoker’s disease, ...
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Circular Valley: Start-ups wanted for EU Green Deal
Fielmann Family donates 3 million protective masks to German federal states / Private donation to the federal state governments of Brandenburg, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein
Hamburg (ots) - Fielmann has acted early and decidedly, as the coronavirus pandemic spread across Europe. On the basis of a scientific study by Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Martin Exner (University Hospital Bonn), the company has defined hygiene standards that counter the infection risks of COVID-19. According to these ...
moreFielmann defines Hygiene Standards for Optical and Hearing Aid Retail
Hamburg (ots) - Scientific study by Prof. Dr. Martin Exner shows how to safeguard health in retail environment As a responsible family business, Fielmann acted early and decidedly, as the coronavirus spread across Europe. Already in February 2020, we implemented a series of hygiene and infection prevention measures in order to protect the health of our customers and employees. Since 20 March 2020, we have discontinued our ...
moreHellmann and BusinessCode develop new tracking tool for sea freight: Smart Ocean
moreHigh investor density at the Pitch Day hosted by IZB
One documentmoreKomitee gegen den Vogelmord e. V.
52 million wild birds killed by European hunters per year, new study reveals
Bonn, Germany (ots) - More than 52 million wild birds are being killed lawfully by hunters in Europe each year, according to a report published this week in the journal "British Birds". The study provides data on 82 species of wild bird which may be legally hunted including 1,607,964 shot Quails, 522,253 Teal, 107,802 Lapwings, 205,577 Snipe, 973,414 Woodcocks, ...
moreInternal Marketing: Why it is Important and how to Apply it Successfully
Bonn (ots) - One question might pop into your head immediately: Why do internal marketing at all? The answer to this question is very easy but yet convincing. Internal marketing can serve a lot of purposes. i.g. you can improve your internal employer branding or do a multilevel mailing streak for on boarding new employees. With the right implementation, this can ...