13.05.2022 – 13:00DiEM253Jeremy Corbyn, Ece Temelkuran and Yanis Varoufakis present the Athens DeclarationMore on DiEM25One documentmore
09.05.2022 – 12:01DiEM25DiEM25 calls for overthrowing the European oligarchy in first renewal of its manifesto since 2016One documentmore
02.05.2022 – 10:20DiEM25Thessaloniki will be the stage of the biggest anti-war rally concert in Greece on May 8th, organised with the support of Brian Eno and Roger Waters, amongst othersOne documentmore
01.04.2022 – 14:43HelabaLars Hegg appointed as new General Branch Manager of Helaba's Stockholm officemore
31.03.2022 – 17:47Deutsche HospitalitySteigenberger Hotels AG is shaping the future of hospitality under new leadershipmore
30.03.2022 – 11:15TRADIUM GmbHGerman Supplier From Frankfurt Delivers Critical Raw Materials To The UK Despite Shortagesmore
03.03.2022 – 12:02Brenntag SEBrenntag enters the market in Israel with the acquisition of specialty chemicals expert Y.S. Ashkenazi AgenciesWebsite BrenntagOne documentmore
24.02.2022 – 08:59DiEM25Dušan Pajović presents “Beyond a Green New Deal: DiEM25’s Plan to Democratise Europe” at the New European Bauhaus. For a Just Design of Climate Politics digital symposiumDiEM25more
16.02.2022 – 11:30Diplomatic Council - Diplomatischer RatThe Western Fiasco: Failure in Afghanistan, Syria and Ukrainemore
01.02.2022 – 14:00dpa Picture-Alliance GmbHpicture alliance and european pressphoto agency renew their partnershipmore
07.01.2022 – 16:54Deutsche HospitalityPress release "The season gets underway in Davos"One documentmore
22.12.2021 – 10:59Brenntag SE2Brenntag SE appoints Dr Kristin Neumann to the Management Board as CFO as of April 1, 2022Website BrenntagOne documentmore
14.12.2021 – 10:00Brenntag SEBrenntag’s Pharma section signs exclusive agreement for health-promoting product line Akovita ELIP in EMEAWebsite BrenntagOne documentmore
09.12.2021 – 12:01Deutsche Hospitality“BE Deutsche Hospitality” – exclusively for hotel partners, franchisees and investorsmore
24.06.2021 – 09:05Auto1 FinTechFirst security token offering in the German automotive industry / Auto1 FinTech issues attractive blockchain security worth over 4 million euros with iVE.ONEmore
08.06.2021 – 10:08Messe ErfurtAM plays to its strengths in the medical fieldVisit us on our website!One documentmore
01.06.2021 – 06:30Hertie SchoolHertie School mourns the loss of former President Henrik Enderleinmore
27.05.2021 – 10:35BrainRepair UGInvestment breakthrough for BrainRepair UG start-up – Stem cell treatment for newborns / Dr. Metin Colpan, founder of Nasdaq listed Qiagen N.V. acquired 5% of BrainRepair UG shares worth EUR 15Mmore
04.05.2021 – 15:33Bullfinch AGBullfinch AG and Aquila Capital launch Joint Investment Vehicle for energy-efficient assetsmore
12.04.2021 – 16:18Deutsche HospitalityTradition and lifestyle brought together under the same roof / Deutsche Hospitality is pooling its Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts and Jaz in the City brands to create a new Upscale Segmentmore
09.04.2021 – 17:02Deutsche Hospitality2Setting new benchmarks in the luxury hotel segment / Deutsche Hospitality adopts “Steigenberger Icons” brand to bring together a unique group of hotelsmore
15.12.2020 – 14:44dpa Picture-Alliance GmbHPicture research 2.0 with AI technology on new picture alliance platformmore
04.12.2020 – 15:42Brenntag SEBrenntag signs distribution agreement with Elementis SpecialtiesWebsite BrenntagOne documentmore
12.11.2020 – 15:12EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress GmbH4Electrolux wins Supply Chain Management Award 2020 - Schubert earns Smart Solution Award 2020To the Press Releases of EXCHAiNGEOne documentmore
05.11.2020 – 11:28Deutsche HospitalityNew leadership appointments to reposition Deutsche Hospitality for international expansionmore
29.10.2020 – 10:13Brenntag SEBrenntag and CheMondis announce cooperation in digital sales and marketing for ChemicalsWebsite BrenntagOne documentmore
23.09.2020 – 13:04Brenntag SEBrenntag introduces new operating model with two global divisions to serve its business partners faster, broader, and betterMore information on BrenntagOne documentmore
15.09.2020 – 11:09EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress GmbH4Supply Chain Awards 2020: Eight Finalists AnnouncedTo the Press Releases of EXCHAiNGEOne documentmore