28.09.2021 – 11:06OpenSynergy GmbHOpenSynergy announces the release of a reference platform providing a virtual AGL (Automotive Grade Linux) operating system.One documentmore
16.08.2021 – 11:37ONEKEY GmbHCritical security vulnerabilities in Realtek chips affect more than 65 hardware manufacturersmore
22.06.2021 – 10:35NTT DATA Business Solutions AGNTTDATA Named a Leader in Everest Group’s SAP Services PEAK Matrix Report / Company Assessed High for Strong Market Adoption and Abilities to Innovate, Deliver Valuemore
14.04.2021 – 10:10OpenSynergy GmbHFirst implementation of open standard-based devices available / COQOS Hypervisor SDK now supports the upcoming VIRTIO specificationmore
13.11.2019 – 14:50Bacula Systems SABacula Systems Announces Further Cloud Enhancements to its Modern Architecture Backup and Recovery Solutionmore
11.04.2014 – 13:00TK Elevator GmbH2ThyssenKrupp fosters elevator technology development by building landmark test tower in Rottweil, Germany (FOTO)more