Stories about Finanzdienstleistung

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  • 22.08.2013 – 10:07


    Helaba achieves significant improvement in first half of 2013

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Group earnings grow by more than 18 per cent - Buoyant new business volume with satisfactory margins - Outlook for year cautiously optimistic Helaba, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen, continued its upward growth trend in the first half of 2013. It achieved group- wide earnings before taxes of EUR 336 million, surpassing the result of the ...

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  • 13.08.2013 – 11:00

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    Project financing for Canadian wind farm closed

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - KfW IPEX-Bank providing CAD 61.7 million - Support for German exports - Renewable energy for several thousand households Since this week the project financing for the Viger-Denonville wind farm in the Canadian province of Québec is in place: KfW IPEX-Bank is providing a long-term project financing loan of up to CAD 61.7 million. Supplier of the wind turbines is REpower, a German manufacturer ...

  • 13.08.2013 – 07:01

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Bank Group continues its successful performance in the second quarter of 2013

    Wiesbaden (ots) - - Second-quarter consolidated operating profit of EUR 45 million - Net interest income rose to EUR 126 million, confirming the turnaround seen in the first quarter - New business in the Structured Property Financing segment grew to EUR 2.4 billion - twice the amount reported for the same quarter last year - Aareal Bank affirms its consolidated ...

  • 05.08.2013 – 12:00

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    Clean electricity from Swedish wind

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Europe's largest wind farm to be constructed in the north of Sweden - KfW IPEX-Bank and SEB finance wind turbines from Germany KfW IPEX-Bank and SEB AG are participating in the further development of the largest European wind energy project Markbygden in the north of Sweden. The loan financing of EUR 84.5 million for the sub-project Skogberget will be provided by both banks in equal shares. The ...

  • 27.06.2013 – 16:57

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    Speed-up of services in the Thames region / 1,140 new Siemens carriages for London / Thameslink project receives EUR 150 million in financing from KfW IPEX-Bank

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - KfW IPEX-Bank is providing a loan of around EUR 150 million for the Thameslink Rolling Stock Project (TRSP). The funds will be used to purchase a new train fleet of 1,140 carriages from train manufacturer Siemens in a contract worth circa GBP1.6 billion. The newly signed agreement comprises ...

  • 11.06.2013 – 10:47

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank finances wind farm in the Canadian province of Québec

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Green electricity for more than 10,000 homes - Export of state-of-the-art technology from Germany: Manufacturer Enercon to supply wind turbines of the type "E 92" outside Europe for the first time - KfW IPEX-Bank provides loan together with institutional investors KfW IPEX-Bank is supporting the construction and operation of the Canadian ...

  • 20.02.2013 – 07:00

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Bank looks to the future with confidence after a successful 2012 financial year

    Wiesbaden (ots) - - Fourth quarter consolidated operating profit of EUR 46 million and EUR 176 million for the full year - consolidated net income for 2012: EUR 85 million - At EUR 6.3 billion, new Structured Property Financing business clearly exceeded forecast - Outlook for 2013: Consolidated operating profit expected to match the level of 2012 - potential to reach ...

  • 12.02.2013 – 12:59


    Berenberg continues expansion

    Hamburg (ots) - - Record net commission income: up 15.8% to EUR 206.4 million - Net profit for the year up 7.3% to EUR 60.2 million - Assets under management up 8.3% to EUR 28.2 billion - No. 3 for IPOs and capital increases in Germany/Austria/Switzerland - Office opened in New York "The banking sector faces a multitude of challenges in 2013," says Dr. Hans-Walter Peters, spokesman of the managing partners at Berenberg. "More than ever, it is essential for banks to offer ...

  • 14.01.2013 – 11:36


    Helaba and BayernLB finance solar power plant in France

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - As Mandated Lead Arrangers, Helaba and BayernLB have financed a solar power plant in France for Hamburg-based Aquila Capital. Helaba and BayernLB have arranged and structured the project financing to the value of Euro 80 million. The solar power plant has an installed capacity of 24 MW and consists of two solar parks. It is located in the Centre region near Paris. Annual power production is ...

  • 13.11.2012 – 13:30

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank contributes loan to new Clariant research and development center

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - KfW IPEX BANK supports Swiss specialty chemicals company in pooling its international R&D activities in Germany - Tailor-made investment loan in two-digit million range - "Clariant Innovation Center": energy-efficient lab and office building at Industriepark Frankfurt Höchst KfW IPEX-BANK is providing a tailor-made investment loan in the ...

  • 13.11.2012 – 07:00

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Bank Group remains on track in the third quarter of 2012

    Wiesbaden (ots) - - Third-quarter consolidated operating profit of EUR 42 million - Core Tier 1 ratio of 11.6 per cent as at 30 September 2012 - Basel III requirements already fulfilled as of today - Aareal Bank affirms guidance for full-year consolidated operating profit Aareal Bank Group has remained on track during the third quarter of 2012, and ...

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  • 18.10.2012 – 10:13

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank finances new cruise ship to be built at Meyer Werft

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Large volume financing for prospering cruise ship sector - Support of German shipbuilding sector - Continuation of a success story with long-time business partners KfW IPEX-Bank is financing a new cruise ship with the project name "Breakaway Plus" to be built at Meyer Werft in Papenburg for Norwegian Cruise Line headquartered in Miami, Florida, USA. The ship's contract price is approximately ...

  • 24.07.2012 – 10:00

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Bank, Allianz, and Helaba complete EUR 650 million loan for CentrO in Oberhausen

    Wiesbaden (ots) - Aareal Bank, together with Allianz Real Estate and Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen ("Helaba"), provided a loan facility of EUR 650 million secured against "CentrO" in Oberhausen, one of Germany's biggest shopping centres. The financing was provided to a joint venture between the Stadium Group and the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board who jointly own ...

  • 21.06.2012 – 14:17

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank and DEG open representative office in Singapore

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Today the two KfW subsidiaries KfW IPEX-Bank and DEG will officially launch their new joint representative office in Singapore with a festive reception for clients. In the presence of Germany's ambassador to Singapore, Ms Angelika Viets, and high-ranking industrial leaders, KfW's Executive Board member Dr Norbert Kloppenburg together with Christian K. Murach and Markus Scheer, both members of the ...

  • 05.06.2012 – 12:34

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    KfW IPEX-Bank finances export of German machine technology for open-pit mines in Australia

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - German machine technology plays a critical role in the expansion of Australian iron ore producer Fortescue Metals Group Limited - export volume of EUR 140 million - Mining orders safeguard jobs at German suppliers - New technology contributes to environmental protection KfW IPEX-Bank is extending a loan in the equivalent of EUR 140 million ...

  • 10.05.2012 – 07:00

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Bank Group posts a solid start into the 2012 financial year

    Wiesbaden (ots) - - First-quarter consolidated operating profit of EUR 43 million - Core Tier 1 ratio of 11.6 per cent as at 31 March 2012 - Full-year outlook affirmed Aareal Bank Group retained its positive business development during the first quarter of 2012, in a market environment that continued to be difficult. Consolidated operating profit amounted ...

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  • 04.04.2012 – 08:04

    Aareal Bank

    Supervisory Board renews the appointment of Management Board members

    Wiesbaden (ots) - The Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG resolved to renew the appointment of the incumbent Chairman of the Management Board, Dr Wolf Schumacher, and the Member of the Management Board Thomas Ortmanns, prior to the regular end of their terms of office. Their appointment to Aareal Bank's Management Board was extended for another five years, with effect ...

  • 29.03.2012 – 07:30

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Bank Group publishes 2011 annual report

    Wiesbaden (ots) - Aareal Bank Group published its annual report for the 2011 financial year today. In addition to information concerning the Group's business model and its activities in the two business segments, the report also includes the audited consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRSs, and Aareal Bank's Group Management Report for 2011. According to audited figures, consolidated operating profit ...

  • 24.02.2012 – 12:00

    Aareal Bank

    Aareal Award of Excellence in Real Estate Research awarded for the fifth time

    Wiesbaden (ots) - The Real Estate Management Institute (EBS REMI) of the EBS Business School and Aareal Bank AG have granted for the fifth time the Aareal Award of Excellence in Real Estate Research for academically-outstanding research work in real estate economics. A total of approximately 50 papers for this annual research prize were submitted this year. About half ...