25.06.2021 – 15:10LKQ EuropeEuropean Parliament Member Ismail Ertug visits LKQ Europe’s Logistics Operations in Sulzbach-Rosenbergmore
10.06.2021 – 10:03News DirectForwardPMX Becomes A Fashion Avenger, Joining the Dynamic Movement to Accelerate the Fashion Industry’s Role in Achieving the UN’s Global Goalsmore
31.05.2021 – 14:45Circular ValleyCircular Valley selects 15 start-ups from a field of international applicants for EU Green DealLearn moremore
10.05.2021 – 07:01Aurubis AGSustainable success in the first fiscal half-year: Aurubis achieves significantly higher resultOne documentmore
22.04.2021 – 15:33Circular Valley2Circular Valley: First application period for circular economy start-ups ongoing until the end of Aprill 2021Learn moremore
18.02.2021 – 10:21hubergroup Deutschland GmbH3Press Release: The new HYDRO-X GA Water Barrier CoatingFind the video hereOne documentmore
12.10.2020 – 12:00Röchling Automotive SE & Co. KGRöchling Automotive puts sustainable organic plastic on the marketmore
11.08.2020 – 07:00Aurubis AGPress Release: Aurubis continues to successfully make its way through the coronavirus crisisOne documentmore
16.07.2020 – 14:00Aurubis AG3Aurubis acquires Berlin software developer azetiLearn more about azeti hereOne documentmore
24.06.2020 – 09:03Aurubis AGPress Release: Aurubis AG successfully places ESG-linked Schuldschein loan of EUR 400 millionOne documentmore
04.05.2020 – 11:50Aurubis AGPress Release: Aurubis AG receives European Commission's unconditional approval for Metallo Group acquisition3 Documentsmore
21.02.2020 – 13:00European BioplasticsField test: compostable plastics break down in less than 22 days in industrial compostingmore
08.08.2019 – 07:06Aurubis AGReport on first nine months of 2018/19: Aurubis generates operating result of EUR 125 million and invests in sites2 Documentsmore
28.06.2019 – 12:20Sympatex Technologies GmbHNew laboratory study reveals that highly-toxic hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids are released when PTFE burnsmore