European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
Stories about Soziales
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Penta Hotels are making guests 'Souper Heroes' through their new campaign to donate a great amount of soup to people in need
moreEuropäisches Parlament EUreWAHL
EUrVote publishes new information package on migration and the interior
moreUnited Charity gemeinnützige Stiftungs GmbH
Meghan & Harry wedding souvenir up for auction in Germany / All proceeds from the sale of the royal wedding gift bag will go straight to a children's charity
Baden-Baden (ots) - For fans of the British royal family, the chance to buy a personal souvenir of the wedding of the year is a dream come true. A gift bag offered to the select group of guests invited to attend the nuptials between Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, at Windsor castle, is now ...
moreInternational Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Vienna Migration Conference 2018 - seeking viable options for future migration governance
Vienna, Austria (ots) - "Refugee Protection" and "Labour Migration" will be the central themes of the two-day migration conference in Vienna "Migration Ministers" from Afghanistan, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, and Tunisia In its third year, the "Vienna Migration Conference 2018" organised by the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is ...
moreGesellschaft für bedrohte Völker e.V. (GfbV)
Criticism of the growing influence of authoritarian state / Consultative status of human rights group under fire at the United Nations
Göttingen/Bozen (ots) - The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has warned against restricting the freedom of independent non-governmental organizations at the United Nations (UN). "The influence of authoritarian states in the world organization continues to grow. Non-governmental organizations must not be ...
URBAN FUTURE Global Conference
Courageous CityChangers sparking innovation in cities / The agenda for Europe's biggest event for sustainable cities is online
Vienna (ots) - 3,000 attendees from more than 400 cities, 50 countries and 4 continents are expected at the URBAN FUTURE Global Conference (UFGC) from 28 February to 2 March 2018. For the first time the conference will be held in Vienna, bringing together the most inspiring CityChangers of our time. The world's ...
moreHelaba commits itself to the principles of the UN Global Compact
Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Helaba has signed a declaration on the implementation of the UN Global Compact's ten principles for corporate sustainability in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. In so doing, it has committed itself to supporting and promoting the principles. Herbert Hans Grüntker, the Chairman of Helaba's Board of ...
moreC&A Europe looks towards a sustainable future with release of 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report
Düsseldorf (ots) - Today, C&A Europe published its 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report which outlines the company's current and future approach to corporate responsibility. C&A is increasing its long term commitment to ensuring that communities benefit from their interaction with C&A - a guiding principle that the ...
moreWal- und Delfinschutz-Forum (WDSF)
Animal conservationists demand a stop to "Dream Ship" (cruise ship) landings on the Faroe Islands due to whale massacres
Hagen (ots) - Unperturbed by warnings and protests from the "Whale and Dolphin Conservation Forum (WDSF)", the German cruise companies AIDA, TUI and Hapag Lloyd still want to stop at the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic, even though there is a high risk that passengers may become eye witnesses to cruel, bloody ...
morePlan International Deutschland e.V.
Announcement of the Ulrich Wickert Award for Child Rights 2014 / Journalist award raises awareness for the situation of children in developing countries
Hamburg (ots) - In 2014, the Ulrich Wickert Foundation, like in the year before, will bestow the "Ulrich Wickert Award for Child Rights" on journalists. By bestowing this award - totalizing prize money of 18,000 euros - the foundation wants to honour media contributions that raise awareness for the situation of ...
more24th Annual Conference of Victim Support Europe / 27th - 28th May 2010 in Berlin
Berlin (ots) - On behalf of Victim Support Europe, the German Victim Support organisation WEISSER RING will organise the 24th Annual Conference of Victim Support Europe on the 27th and 28th of May 2010 in the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung, Tiergartenstrasse 35 Berlin This year the main topic of the Conference will be Justice for Victims of Crime in Europe During the plenary ...
Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands gemeinnütziger e. V. (CJD)
CJD - die Chancengeber zum Weltkindertag: Für eine Pädagogik des Zutrauens
Ebersbach (ots) - Am morgigen 20. November feiern die Vereinten Nationen den Tag der Rechte des Kindes (Weltkindertag). Als einer der größten Bildungsträger im Land fordert das Christliche Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands e. V. (CJD) eine Pädagogik, die auf mehr Zutrauen in Kinder und Jugendliche basiert. "Das trifft auch und gerade auf junge Menschen zu, die am Rand ...
moreKfW IPEX-Bank adopts Equator Principles
Frankfurt am Main (ots) - KfW IPEX-Bank adopted the Equator Principles as of 1 March 2008, committing itself to the globally-recognised benchmark for the financial industry to manage social and environmental issues. The Equator Principles, a framework plan for managing social and environmental risks, classify the social and environmental impacts of projects as either high, medium or low. For high or medium risk projects ...