Stories about Umwelt
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Press release: More strategic metals for Europe: Aurubis commissions modernized tankhouse in Lünen
One documentmore Instone Group: Annual General Meeting approves dividend payout of EUR 0.33 per share; first project acquisitions in two years
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PM: Studie vor der Europawahl: 14 EU-Mitgliedstaaten unter den 20 globalisiertesten Ländern der Welt / PR: Ahead of the European elections: 14 EU member states rank among the 20 most globalized countries worldwide
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Koehler Paper premium recycled paper used in Stefan Szczesny’s “Sailing #Art4GlobalGoals” art project
One documentmore PM: DHL Supply Chain baut seine Kapazitäten mit weiterem Logistikzentrum am Multi-User Campus in Leipzig/ Halle aus / PR: DHL Supply Chain expands capacities with new logistics center at multi-user campus in Leipzig/ Halle
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Red Dot Design Award for LAMILUX Modular Glass Skylight MS78
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Press release: Aurubis invests in innovative system at the Lünen site for fully automated sample preparation
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GEA develops new modules for bakery ovens
One documentmore Press release: STADA reduces carbon emissions and increases its renewable energy supply on sustainability journey
STADA reduces carbon emissions and increases its renewable energy supply on sustainability journey - Total carbon emissions by STADA reduced by 25% between 2020 and 2023 - Around 45% of STADA’s electricity consumption now comes from renewable ...
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PM: Für mehr Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Effizienz: myDHLi trifft auf GenAI / PR: For increased usability and efficiency: myDHLi meets GenAI
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Exploring the Future of Advanced Recycling: Early Bird Tickets Now Available
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Enhancing Recycling Practices: Call for Abstracts – Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) 2024
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GEA begins construction of technology center for alternative proteins in the USA
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LAMILUX Continuous Rooflight B: Four new certifications
One documentmore Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
3IMEX 2024: A trade fair presence packed with sustainable ideas
One documentmoreLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
3Sustainability in Leipzig’s Conference Hotels
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PM: Auf dem Weg zu CO2-freiem Straßengütertransport: DHL Freight nimmt vollelektrische LKW von Mercedes-Benz Trucks in Betrieb / PR: En route to carbon-free road freight transport: DHL Freight introduces fully electric tractor-trailers from Mercedes-
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The Good Cashmere Standard Boosts Level of Animal Welfare and Transparency
One documentmore Press release: New Board member - Beate Flamm appointed as Chief Culture & Communication Officer at Progroup AG
One documentmoreLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
4Congress Centres in Leipzig
One documentmorePM: DHL und Prada Group tragen mit Sustainable Aviation Fuel zu nachhaltigerem Luftfrachttransport bei / PR: DHL and Prada Group contribute to more sustainable air freight with SAF
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AIDA Cruises expands its cooperation with Kiel-based bicycle manufacturer my Boo
One documentmore Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
3Leipzig’s Team Spirit for Successful Conferences and Congresses
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Press release | New Brunel Energy Market Study - Challenges for the entire energy industry
PRESS RELEASE New Brunel Energy Market Survey – “Fact to the Future”: Skills shortages and the need to attract and develop young talents present workforce challenges across the entire energy industry Two Brunel "Fact to the Future" Reports – on Renewable and Conventional Energy jobs – show ...
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A New Look for the Aid by Trade Foundation
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Advancements in Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) Technology Pave the Way for Novel Applications From Ethylene, to Polymers, Syngas and Even Diamonds
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AbTF Cotton Conference in India: Experts From Across the Global Cotton and Textile Industry Discuss Challenges and Innovations for the Sustainable Future of Cotton
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Technological milestone in the new food industry: GEA presents perfusion as key process at Anuga FoodTec
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Bright Future of Cellulose Fibres in Textiles, Hygiene, Construction and Packaging – Conference Shows Top-Innovation
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