12.05.2023 – 10:35NTT DATA Business Solutions AGNTT DATA Business Solutions AG publishes key figures for fiscal year 2022/2023more
11.05.2023 – 07:36Instone Real Estate Group SEPress Release: Instone starts the year well despite persistently difficult environmentOne documentmore
11.05.2023 – 07:02Aurubis AG2Press release - Aurubis continues growth course: Multimetal company raises full-year forecast based on strong half-year result2 Documentsmore
10.05.2023 – 13:00DHL Group2PM: Digitale Plattform myDHLi von DGF hilft mittlerweile über 16.000 Kunden ihre Logistik auch in unsicheren Zeiten zu meistern / PR: Over 16,000 customers enabled to tackle uncertainties in logistics through DGF’s digital platform myDHLi2 Documentsmore
09.05.2023 – 18:36nova-Institut GmbHInvitation to coverage and press conference – Renewable Materials Conference 2023, Siegburg near Cologne, GermanyRenewable Materials Conference 2 Documentsmore
09.05.2023 – 16:55SGL Carbon SE3Press Release: Annual General Meeting approves all items on the agendaSGL NewsroomOne documentmore
09.05.2023 – 15:00TÜV NORD GROUPHTV invests heavily in the expansion of long-term storage of semiconductor chipsmore
08.05.2023 – 12:01DHL GroupPM: DHL Express führt GoGreen Plus Option für sein Luftfrachtprodukt ein / PR: DHL Express launches GoGreen Plus option for its air cargo product2 Documentsmore
08.05.2023 – 12:00MetatimeHow effective can the Metatime’s MetaChain Blockchain Platform be in Turkey’s CBDC movement?more
05.05.2023 – 07:30SGL Carbon SEPress Release: SGL Carbon with solid business development in Q1 2023SGL Newsroom2 Documentsmore
04.05.2023 – 17:21DHL Group3PM: Aktionäre der Deutsche Post AG beschließen Erhöhung der Dividende / PR: Deutsche Post AG shareholders approve dividend increasemore
04.05.2023 – 14:01Parador GmbHParador represented for the first time at Clerkenwell Design Week in LondonMore about ParadorOne documentmore
03.05.2023 – 09:38Koehler GroupEfficient and sustainable approach to recyclable paper packaging: Koehler Paper and HDG-Verpackungsmaschinen present their newly developed "pressure seal module" and flexible packaging papermore
03.05.2023 – 07:28nova-Institut GmbH4Smart Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) Technologies and Materials Defossilise the EconomyConference on CO?-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023One documentmore
02.05.2023 – 10:00TÜV Rheinland AGTÜV Rheinland acquires part of ABB’s Energy Industries divisionmore
27.04.2023 – 12:05DHL GroupPM: DHL Global Forwarding und Turkish Cargo unterzeichnen Memorandum of Understanding / PR: DHL Global Forwarding and Turkish Cargo sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their cooperation2 Documentsmore
26.04.2023 – 14:42eROCKIT Group10Press Release: Investment of over 10 Million Euros - eROCKIT introduces Indian investor MotovolteROCKIT Newsroommore
26.04.2023 – 10:00DHL GroupPM: Deutschland hat das viertgünstigste Briefporto in Europa / PR: Germany has the fourth-lowest letter postage rate in Europe2 Documentsmore
26.04.2023 – 07:30ROVEMA GmbH2ROVEMA invites confectionery and snack manufacturers to their Customized Experience in-house trade fairmore
25.04.2023 – 11:00ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KGSTIHL sets revenue record and focuses on dual technological leadershipmore
25.04.2023 – 09:31DHL Group2PM: Den Worten Taten folgen lassen: DHL stellt auf dem ersten globalen Gipfel der Branche Meilensteine der Nachhaltigkeit und ein neues Tool vor / PR: Putting words into action: DHL unveils sustainability milestones and a new tool at industry-first g2 Documentsmore
24.04.2023 – 13:30DEKRA SEGoals for 2022 achieved: DEKRA increases revenue and transforms for the futuremore
21.04.2023 – 16:47nova-Institut GmbH7“Best CO₂ Utilisation 2023” Innovation Award – Three winning CCU solutions open the road to transition away from fossil resources"Best CO? Utilisation 2023" Award WinnerOne documentmore
20.04.2023 – 10:01DHL GroupPM: DHL Express erweitert seine Flugzeugflotte um neun durch Mammoth umgebaute B777-200LR Maschinen / PR: DHL Express upgrades its fleet with the order of nine Mammoth-converted B777-200LR freightersmore
19.04.2023 – 10:40NTT DATA Business Solutions AG2NTT DATA Business Solutions Receives four SAP® Pinnacle Awards 2023 and is a finalist in three categoriesmore