Stories about Wirtschaft
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PreZero and Packaging Cockpit form strong cooperation for the packaging turnaround
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The Good Cashmere Standard Boosts Level of Animal Welfare and Transparency
One documentmore Press release: New Board member - Beate Flamm appointed as Chief Culture & Communication Officer at Progroup AG
One documentmore3D Pioneers Challenge 2024 Finalists have been announced
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Press Release - More efficient, effective and sustainable - hubergroup Chemicals presents its modern portfolio at the American Coatings Show
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3D-printed electronics continue to gain ground
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AM pioneer joins anniversary event // Dr Brent Stucker is keynote speaker at the 20th Rapid.Tech 3D
One documentmore PM: DHL und Prada Group tragen mit Sustainable Aviation Fuel zu nachhaltigerem Luftfrachttransport bei / PR: DHL and Prada Group contribute to more sustainable air freight with SAF
2 DocumentsmoreLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
3Leipzig’s Team Spirit for Successful Conferences and Congresses
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A New Look for the Aid by Trade Foundation
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PM: DHL erweitert sein Angebot für die Paketzustellung in Schweden und investiert in Paketautomaten / PR: DHL expands parcel delivery offering in Sweden with investment in parcel locker network
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Sysmex establishes new branch office in Finland
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AbTF Cotton Conference in India: Experts From Across the Global Cotton and Textile Industry Discuss Challenges and Innovations for the Sustainable Future of Cotton
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Technological milestone in the new food industry: GEA presents perfusion as key process at Anuga FoodTec
One documentmore Press Release: Instone Group achieves upper end of earnings guidance; outlook for 2024 assumes continued solid profitability in a year of transition
One documentmorePress release: STADA continues with double-digit sales and profit growth in 2023
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GEA adds proven AI solution to portfolio with CattleEye acquisition
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GEA launches real-time monitoring solution at Anuga FoodTec
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GEA launches new live product monitoring sensor system for homogenizers
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PM: DHL Global Forwarding transportiert für kinderherzen die weltweit erste mobile Herzklinik nach El Salvador / PR: DHL Global Forwarding supports NGO kinderherzen to deliver world’s first mobile heart clinic to El Salvador
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Current market study forecasts annual growth of 17 % for bio-based polymers between 2023 and 2028. Demand from Asia and the USA in particular is driving growth, Europe is lagging behind.
2 Documentsmore PM: Resilientes Geschäftsmodell: DHL Group erreicht Jahresziele für 2023 in einem schwachen weltwirtschaftlichen Umfeld / PR: Resilient business model: DHL Group achieves annual targets for 2023 in a weak global economic environment
Resilientes Geschäftsmodell: DHL Group erreicht Jahresziele für 2023 in einem schwachen weltwirtschaftlichen Umfeld - Konzernumsatz mit 81,8 Mrd. Euro und EBIT mit 6,3 Mrd. Euro deutlich über Vor-Pandemie-Niveau - Free Cashflow ohne Akquisitionen ...
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New drive technology, new business philosophy, new intelligence: GEA’s separator innovations enhance dairy production efficiency
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PM: DHL eröffnet neues internationales Logistikzentrum in Posen, Polen / PR: DHL opens new International Logistics Center in Poznan, Poland
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International Women’s Day, 8 March: Cotton made in Africa Supports Women’s Rights and Independence
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Football fans from Europe visit the champion of structural change in Gelsenkirchen
One documentmore PM: DHL erneuert Partnerschaft mit Formel 1® und verdoppelt mit Biokraftstoff betriebene Lkw-Flotte / PR: DHL renews partnership with Formula 1® and doubles biofuel-powered truck fleet
One documentmoreGEA boosts sustainable production: Green stainless steel supplied by Klöckner & Co to be used at first site
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GEA at the Anuga FoodTec trade show: Sustainability innovations bolster food industry resilience
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