Storys zum Thema Digitalisierung
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DEKRA involved in fight against the coronavirus pandemic /Accelerated Digitalization Is Creating New Opportunities
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AI-supported Big Data Platform CIMS 6.0 leads to quantum leap for better products through integrated use of customer feedback
mehr Mindcurv opens a new office in Barcelona
Utrecht (ots) - Mindcurv is pleased to announce the opening of the new office in Barcelona. Together with our location in Madrid, the new office will enable us to further establish even closer ties with our clients and continue to provide service excellence.This expansion strengthens Mindcurv's presence in Spain and will allow us to focus and broaden our services capabilities throughout the region. "Opening a second ...
mehrAgrando completes seed funding round in the millions - Key technology for European agri-trade
Munich (ots) - The Munich-based AgTech company Agrando is in the process of establishing itself as the market leader for digital agri-trade in Europe and has received a seven-figure investment. The investor consortium is led by the European VC fund June, the London family office JLR Star, and the AgTech investor Baltic Venture. They were convinced by the unique ...
mehrThe construction site of the future: digitized and networked - terrain handover for the reference construction site on Campus West
Munich/Basel (ots) - After more than 20 years, Europe's leading Mystery Shopping provider INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CHECK is rebranding to ISC-CX to reflect the company's evolution to a full-service, digital customer experience agency. The company has been repositioned to leverage its unique capabilities and architecture to serve different customer experience needs, beyond mystery shopping. ISC-CX has extended its portfolio ...
mehrVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
Survey: European policy benefits national digital development
Berlin (ots) - More than two-thirds of Europeans (68%) believe that European policy and legislation is having a positive impact on their country's digital development, a new survey of the Vodafone Institute, the European think-tank of the Vodafone Group, has revealed. Citizens in Hungary and Poland (75%) were most convinced that membership of the EU is beneficial to national digital development, compared to people from ...
mehrDEKRA Remains on Track: Despite trade disputes and economic slowdown
Stuttgart (ots) - - Revenue up by almost 3% in 2019, staff headcount by around 500 - New foundation in eight service divisions and eight regions takes effect - New business areas opened up thanks to digital services - Vehicle inspection in 21 countries following market entry in China, Chile and Vatican City In a challenging political and economic environment, DEKRA ...
mehrGlobal Health Centre, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
The Lancet and Financial Times partner for first joint Commission on Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world
Ein DokumentmehrKörber acquires majority stake in Cohesio Group and expands business with voice and robotics supply chain solutions
mehrEuropean Capital of Smart Tourism
10 cities competing for the 2020 European Capital of Smart Tourism title
Lufthansa Consulting and German Aerospace Center agree strategic innovation partnership / Promotion of technology transfer and innovation for joint projects
mehrHeidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Heidelberg focuses on implementing its digital transformation
Heidelberg (ots) - - Consistent expansion of contract business - Rising share of recurring sales reduces dependency on economic cycles - Sales and results targets for financial year 2018/19 achieved - Cautious outlook for 2019/2020: Sales and profitability forecast at previous year's level Following the successful end to financial year 2018/2019, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) aims to vigorously pursue its ...
mehrStudy of SMEs: Return-Turbo Digitization - Outperformers rely on IoT, AI and Co.
Frankfurt (ots) - For 37 percent of medium-sized companies with above-average returns, topics such as the Internet of Things or artificial intelligence are very important in ongoing investment planning. By comparison, only 18 percent of companies with an average or below-average return put these topics at the top of their agenda. These are the results of the ...
mehrEuropean Association of E-Pharmacies (EAEP)
EAMSP kicks off information campaign about digitization in German healthcare sector / Fighting the allergic reaction to anything new with #neuschnupfen
mehrDEKRA launches Trust Center initiative / Offensive for More Digital Safety
Stuttgart (ots) - The global expert organization DEKRA has made a successful start to 2019. In the first quarter, revenue increased by almost 5% to more than EUR 800 million. The company considers itself on course for growth for the 16th year running, and is expecting annual growth of between 4 and 6%. Highlights of the first few months of the financial year include ...
mehrNTT DATA Business Solutions AG
HANNOVER MESSE 2019: itelligence to showcase use cases and scenarios for connected industry / itelligence presents use cases for "Integrated Industry - Industrial Intelligence" (FOTO)
Europäisches Parlament EUreWAHL
Media-Service EUrVOTE: New theme package - "Digital Change and Innovation"
mehrEuropean Capital of Smart Tourism
European Capital of Smart Tourism 2020 competition launched
Brussels (ots) - Today, the European Commission launched the competition for the European Capital of Smart Tourism 2020. This initiative rewards European cities for outstanding, innovative and sustainable tourism practices. Tourism is the EU's third largest socio-economic activity, representing around 10% of the EU's GDP. The sector plays a crucial role in generating growth and jobs, but still holds untapped potential. ...
mehrBCI Emergency Communications Report 2019: More organizations than ever use Emergency Notification and Crisis Management Systems
mehrVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
German chancellor Angela Merkel at the Digitising Europe Summit: "5G roll-out is important, but must also be physically feasible"
Berlin (ots) - German chancellor Angela Merkel has promoted a rapid but realistic expansion of fast Internet infrastructure. At the Digitising Europe Summit organised by the Vodafone Institute, she said: "In the 5G discussion, everyone is saying that this is a good time to put all kinds of things into it, especially ...
mehrVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
German Chancellor Angela Merkel opens Vodafone Institute's Digitising Europe Summit in Berlin on 19 February
Berlin (ots) - True to the motto 'The Future of Made in Europe', the Vodafone Institute will assemble international business executives, tech start-up founders, scientists in Berlin on 19 February. They will be joined by experts from the digital scene and civil society to discuss their vision for a digital Europe. ...
mehrFortissimo - A new Marketplace for simulation, modelling and data analytics helps European companies be more competitive
Edinburgh (ots) - The Fortissimo Marketplace ( is free to register, offers fast, on-demand and pay-per-use access to High Performance Computing (HPC) services. It matches service providers to users` requirements, handling set up, project management and billing. Such services remove ...
NTT DATA Business Solutions AG
itelligence crowns the German digitalization experts / "itelligence of Things": prize money for best innovation projects
Bielefeld/Ulm (ots) - BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH and the maintenance service provider XERVON Instandhaltung GmbH are the main winners of the "itelligence of Things" competition organized by itelligence. Each will receive consulting services worth 50,000 euros. And the other finalists will receive ...
mehrMeteoViva and Fraport win dena Energy Efficiency Award 2018
Frankfurt/Jülich (ots) - The headquarters building of Fraport AG, the operating company of Germany's largest airport in Frankfurt, is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with modern technology. Nevertheless, it was possible to reduce the building's energy cost by 19 percent - thanks to a digital solution from German Proptech MeteoViva. For this accomplishment, both companies have received the prestigious Energy ...
mehrcommercetools Named a Major Player in 2018 IDC MarketScape for B2C Digital Commerce
Munich (Germany) (ots) - API-first Architecture and Fast Deployment Cited Among Top Strengths commercetools, a global leader in next-generation commerce software, has been positioned in the Major Players category of the 2018 IDC MarketScape for B2C Digital Commerce report, which aims to help organizations manage the "speed of change in B2C digital commerce." ...
mehrHeidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Heidelberg drives digital transformation - 20 contracts already signed for new subscription model
Heidelberg (ots) - - Incoming orders up 6 percent to EUR1,306 million in first half-year - Group sales also improve by 6 percent to EUR1,114 million - Operating result (EBITDA) increases from EUR60 million to EUR62 million - Still on course to achieve targets for financial year 2018/2019 as a whole Six months into ...
mehrEuropean Capital of Smart Tourism
Helsinki and Lyon awarded titles of 2019 European Capitals of Smart Tourism
mehrControlExpert continues generation change in top management / Nicolas Witte takes over from Kai Siersleben