Storys zum Thema Geschäftsberichte

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  • 10.08.2017 – 07:27

    Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

    Heidelberg starts the new financial year 2017/18 with an increase in sales and earnings

    Heidelberg (ots) - - Sales slightly higher than previous year at EUR 495 million - Operating result (EBITDA) up from EUR 1 million to EUR 14 million - Net result after taxes improved by more than EUR 20 million to EUR-16 million - Several measures initiated to achieve medium-term targets - Outlook: Sights still set on the year-end targets for 2017/18 Heidelberger ...

  • 31.03.2017 – 10:13

    KfW IPEX-Bank

    Successful financial year: KfW IPEX-Bank presents 2016 financial statements

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - EUR 16.1 billion new commitment volume - EUR 484 million contribution to KfW's consolidated earnings reaffirms status as source of earnings for the Group - KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH, as a legally independent and separate reporting entity, records pre-tax profit from operating activities of EUR 108 million - 2017 outlook: focus on syndicate ...

  • 23.03.2017 – 11:17


    Helaba satisfied with 2016 financial year

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Growth in customer business underlines strong market position - Net fee and commission income rises once again - Exceptional interest rate environment weighs on net interest income - Regulatory figures see renewed improvement - Business figures on target - Significant future investment in IT and digitalisation Helaba Landesbank ...

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  • 09.02.2017 – 08:40

    Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

    Heidelberg significantly increases net result after taxes in third quarter

    Heidelberg (ots) - - Operating result (EBITDA) improves to EUR 49 million Net result after taxes increases from EUR7 million to EUR 18 million - Sales of EUR 608 million are higher than in Q2 but under last year's figures due to series production ramp-ups - High order backlog of EUR 739 million provides basis for strong final quarter - Outlook: Sights still set on the ...

  • 17.11.2016 – 11:31


    Helaba steady on course

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Profit before tax down on last year but still ahead of forecast - Net interest income down as expected - Satisfactory progress in customer business - Forecast for the year as a whole confirmed Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen generated a Group net profit before taxes of EUR 417 million in the first nine months of 2016, which was approximately EUR 68 million (14 percent) below last ...

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  • 27.05.2014 – 08:49


    Helaba: Good start in 2014

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Quarterly results, as expected, slightly below previous year - Further growth in customer business and in net interest income - CET-1-Capital ratio at the end of March, 12.4 percent; total capital ratio 17.2 percent In the financial year 2014, Helaba for the first time presents its accounts in line with the new consolidation requirements of IFRS 10. In principle, the resulting ...

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  • 08.05.2014 – 11:00

    Heraeus Holding GmbH

    Heraeus plans resurgence after two slow financial years

    Hanau (ots) - The Hanau-based Heraeus precious metals and technology group finished financial year 2013 with satisfactory results despite some lower numbers. This was announced by the Heraeus Holding GmbH Board of Management at a press conference on annual results held in Frankfurt on May 8. The slowing pace of growth in China - an important market for Heraeus - combined with continued market uncertainty in Europe and the ...

  • 08.05.2014 – 11:00

    Heraeus Holding GmbH

    Heraeus: Key decisions made to improve revenue and results

    Hanau (ots) - Heraeus, the Hanau-based precious metals and technology Group, has honed its strategy for future growth. The company has already launched a number of initiatives designed to spur this growth between now and 2020. In the coming years, Heraeus will invest several hundred million euros in research and development as well as the associated infrastructure. One focal point will be at the company headquarters in ...

  • 07.05.2014 – 07:12

    Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

    Heidelberg achieves results target: EUR 4 million net profit for year

    Heidelberg (ots) - - Sales of roughly EUR 2.43 billion (around EUR 2.54 billion after adjustment for exchange rate movements) - EBITDA climbs to EUR 143 million; EBITDA margin increases from about 3 percent to approx. 6 percent - Net result improves to EUR 4 million (previous year: EUR -117 million) - Positive free cash flow of some EUR 20 million Following five years ...

  • 01.04.2014 – 12:00


    Hamburg Süd 2013: Doing well under difficult business conditions

    Hamburg (ots) - Overview of Hamburg Süd growth Growth in the global economy and containerised transportation by sea in 2013 was slightly below the level of the previous year. Once again, available global slot capacity outpaced container transport volume as deliveries continue to exceed the level of scrappage, which also increased. As a consequence of the continuing ...