Ergebnis der Suchanfrage nach Mannheim
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FUCHS opens new, state-of-the-art plant in Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Vietnam
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PM International celebrates its 30th anniversary
mehr Camelot Management Consultants AG
CAMELOT Once Again Declared a Pacesetter in Supply Chain Management / Analyst firm ALM confirms market-leading consulting expertise
Philadelphia (ots) - Analyst firm ALM Intelligence has again identified CAMELOT Management Consultants as a global market leader and "Pacesetter" in supply chain management consulting in the latest edition of its Pacesetter Market Research. ALM confirmed CAMELOT’s outstanding impact for clients in a rapidly ...
mehrRefugee Researcher from Russia to Conduct Research at the University of Mannheim
Refugee Researcher from Russia to Conduct Research at the University of Mannheim The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the integration of a Russian refugee researcher into the research group “Reconfiguration and Internalization of Social Structure (RISS)” for three years. For security reasons she wishes to remain anonymous. Professor Richard ...
mehrRenewable energy sources are more profitable than ever
Renewable energy sources are more profitable than ever Investments in wind and solar power sources have long been considered as expensive and dependent on public subsidies. A new study by economists from the University of Mannheim shows that plants in good locations can now be operated profitably without subsidies. The reason for this: cost reductions through technological innovations have been able to overcompensate ...
Why hydrogen is already an economical energy source
Why hydrogen is already an economical energy source At peak times, hydrogen can be an economically viable addition to electricity supply - provided that the hydrogen is converted on so-called reversible power-to-gas storage systems. This is the result of a new study by Mannheim economists Professor Stefan Reichelstein, Ph.D., and Professor Dr. Gunther Glenk. In their study, which was published in Nature Communications, ...
mehrFirst Guidebook of Pro-Government Militias Worldwide
First Guidebook of Pro-Government Militias Worldwide Conflict researcher Sabine Carey of the University of Mannheim developed the first online catalog containing extensive information on over 500 pro-government militias worldwide. Pro-government militias are organized, armed groups that support governments without being part of the formal security apparatus. Whether it’s in the Balkan countries, Afghanistan, or many ...
mehrJan C. Wendenburg appointed new CEO of IT security specialist IoT Inspector
mehrDollarisation Does Not Go Hand In Hand With Heightened Financial Market Risks, Study Says
Dollarisation Does Not Go Hand In Hand With Heightened Financial Market Risks, Study Says Financial Dollarisation in emerging market economies does not necessarily lead to more vulnerability in the respective financial system, according to a recently published study with the participation of the University of Mannheim. “The common view that financial dollarisation ...
mehrM3 Invests in Physicians Career Portal praktischArzt
mehrSocial Stigma Burdens Innovative Lung Cancer-Therapies, Study Says
Social Stigma Burdens Innovative Lung Cancer-Therapies, Study Says Social stigma towards diseases such as lung cancer can hinder patients to seek treatment and, as a consequence, negatively affects the diffusion of innovative therapies, according to a recently published study. “Lung cancer carries a unique social stigma due to its association with cigarette smoking, and hence is often seen as a smoker’s disease, ...
KOPIE VON: Commemorative publication for the 25th anniversary of the IZB presents 70 profiles and visions of successful biotech start-ups
Enclosed we send you the news of the day about the IZB. We would be pleased if you would consider the message in your news coverage. If you have any question ...
Ein DokumentmehrWirecard and Stocard collaborate to launch mobile payment feature and drive contactless payment adoption
Aschheim (Munich) (ots) - - Stocard users can now make payments via the Stocard app using a virtual Mastercard - Wirecard provides both issuing and acquiring services to embed payment functionality into Stocard's loyalty product - The new mobile feature offers users a seamless way to pay Wirecard, the global ...
mehrHow Do Ideologies and Lobbying Connections of U.S. Politicians Influence Corporate Accounting?
How Do Ideologies and Lobbying Connections of U.S. Politicians Influence Corporate Accounting? Researchers at the University of Mannheim recently conducted a study on the influence of U.S. members of Congress on corporate accounting. The team led by Prof. Jannis Bischof of the collaborative research center “Accounting for Transparency” found out that ideologically ...
mehrMen are more likely than women to call their science "excellent"
Male scientists more likely than female colleagues to use language framing their research findings as "excellent", "novel" and "unique". These are the findings of an analysis led by an international team of researchers at the University of Mannheim, the Harvard Medical School, and Yale University, published Dec. 16 in BMJ. Perception is reality, the adage goes, and it may even be true when it comes to conveying the ...
mehrProduction Costs for Carbon-Free Hydrogen Significantly Lower Than Previously Assumed
mehrHeidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Solid second quarter improves half-year balance sheet - economic uncertainties remain
Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
"Bold decisions today will trigger positive interactions for tomorrow" / Federal President presents DBU's German Environmental Award today - Kögel-Knabner and Schneider honoured
Mannheim (ots) - Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has called on the citizens to "make bold decisions today" in environmental and climate protection to trigger "positive interactions for tomorrow". "The future is not simply predestined. It's up to us what we make of it," he said today at the presentation of ...
mehrDeutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
DBU honours innovators in the field of environmental protection who offer solutions for the future
Mannheim (ots) - The German Environmental Prize was awarded to soil researcher Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner and entrepreneur Reinhard Schneider The German Environmental Foundation (DBU) has awarded the German Environmental Prize for the 27th time. Today in Mannheim, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the Head of the Board of Trustees of the DBU and ...
mehrSix Components of Healthy Family Meals
Six Components of Healthy Family Meals Meta-analysis of data from over 29,000 respondents worldwide Turning the TV off, taking time to eat, not arguing at the table: Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and the University of Mannheim have evaluated studies examining the quality of family meals. Their findings can serve as guidelines for parents and guardians wanting to help their children ...
mehrDeutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
German Environmental Prize awarded to soil scientist and cleaning products manufacturer / Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner (Munich) and Reinhard Schneider (Mainz) honoured on 27 October 2019 in Mannheim
mehrCamelot Management Consultants AG
CAMELOT als marktführendes Beratungsunternehmen im Bereich Produktionsstrategie bestätigt
Mannheim (ots) - Analystenhaus ALM würdigt erneut herausragenden Kundennutzen Das US-amerikanische Analystenhaus ALM Intelligence hat CAMELOT Management Consultants auch in diesem Jahr als globalen Vorreiter in der Beratungsdisziplin Produktionsstrategie bewertet. Ausschlaggebend für die Einstufung als "ALM Vanguard Leader" - die bestmögliche Kategorie - war die ...
mehrHeidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Heidelberg focuses on implementing its digital transformation
Heidelberg (ots) - - Consistent expansion of contract business - Rising share of recurring sales reduces dependency on economic cycles - Sales and results targets for financial year 2018/19 achieved - Cautious outlook for 2019/2020: Sales and profitability forecast at previous year's level Following the successful end to financial year 2018/2019, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) aims to vigorously pursue its ...
EANS-Adhoc: AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG / Cartel Court dismisses suit for fine against AGRANA Zucker GmbH
issuer: AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG F.-W.-Raiffeisen-Platz 1 A-1020 Wien phone: +43-1-21137-0 FAX: +43-1-21137-12926 mail: WWW: ISIN: AT000AGRANA3 indexes: WBI stockmarkets: Berlin, Wien, Stuttgart, Frankfurt language: English ...
mehrChoosing the right set-up for corporate volunteering - Insights from the DAX30
Choosing the right set-up for corporate volunteering - Insights from the DAX30 The report of the joint study between the University of Mannheim and Beyond Philanthropy "Choosing the right set-up for corporate volunteering - Insights from the DAX30" is now available in English. Germany's largest companies face the challenges of corporate volunteering in very different ...
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AKASOL builds large new headquarters in Darmstadt
2 Dokumentemehr creditshelf has been honoured twice at AltFi Awards
Frankfurt (ots) - creditshelf, pioneer in the field of digital SME financing in Germany, wins the Runner-Up at the AltFi Awards in the category "Alternative Financial Platform of the Year". The award is presented annually to crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending and invoice finance platforms that have driven innovation, expanded access to financial services, committed to transparency, delivered excellent all-round customer ...
mehrTechnische Universität München
How power-to-gas technology can be green and profitable
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: This text on the web: NEWS RELEASE How power-to-gas technology can be green and profitable Economists map out economically viable path to renewables-based hydrogen production Hydrogen production based on wind power can ...
mehrWirecard equips Segmüller with mobile payment solution
Aschheim, Munich (ots) - - Segmüller is one of the largest furniture retailers in Germany - Thanks to Wirecard, Segmüller accepts mobile payments for furniture delivery directly at the front door - Wirecard provides payment software and handles payment processing Wirecard, the global innovation leader for digital financial technology, has announced its collaboration with Segmüller, one of Germany's largest furniture ...