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PM: Aktionäre der Deutsche Post AG beschließen Dividende auf Vorjahresniveau; Vorstand kündigt Einziehung von Aktien an / PR: Deutsche Post AG shareholders approve dividend at previous year’s level; Board of Management announces withdrawal of shares
2 Dokumentemehr Technische Universität München
Climate change threatens Mountain Meadows | Global warming leads to declining humus
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Global warming leads to declining humus Climate change threatens Mountain Meadows - Climate change has a negative impact on humus content, soil structure and nitrogen storage - Organic fertilization with liquid manure can partially compensate for the effect - Size of soil clods can be an early warning sign of soil ...
mehrMediawan announces combination with LEONINE, one of the largest independent studios in the German-speaking market
mehrAdvanced Brain Science Without Coding Expertise
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT
Hydrogen technologies at the Hannover Messe 2024: Fraunhofer IPT presents system designs for the production of bipolar plates, MEAs and pressure tanks
mehrAsthma in Children: Researchers Envision Novel Drug to Reduce the Risk of the Disease
Asthma in Children: Researchers Envision Novel Drug to Reduce the Risk of the Disease Scientists have reached a milestone in the research of childhood asthma. For the first time, they have clarified how a certain genetic defect in children initially leads to frequent infections and later to asthma. The study, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and ...
mehrCIVIS Media Prize 2024 | 25 productions nominated, 6 podcasts for public voting
Cologne (ots) - CIVIS Media Prize 2024 – 25 nominees for Europe's most important media prize for integration and cultural diversity have been shortlisted: Candidates for the CIVIS Media Prize include entries from Aamu Film Company, ACB Stories, ARTE, Deutschlandradio, electronic media school, La Fémis, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, funk, France 2, HFF München, ...
mehrEuropean Parliament Recognizes Essential Tremor as Official Disease in Ground-Breaking Declaration
Brussels (ots/PRNewswire) - The Insightec-organized conference resulted in a Joint Declaration, promising new hope for patients suffering from the condition The European Parliament, in collaboration with Insightec and patient advocacy groups, has taken a historic step forward in the healthcare realm by signing a ...
mehrScientists Reveal Adipocyte's Metabolic Role and Identify Treatment Targets
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LEONINE Studios expands production division and launches new label LEONINE Documentaries headed by Jochen Koestler
Rising Focus on 'Inceptor' as a Type 2 Diabetes Therapeutic Target
mehriMEDCAP: EU-Projekt leistet Pionierarbeit bei der Rettung verwundeter Soldaten
mehriMEDCAP: European project to pioneer the rescue of wounded soldiers from inaccessible areas
mehrTherapeutic Vaccine for Chronic Hepatitis B Enters Clinical Trial
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Bio-based innovations for industrial applications: stakeholder event
Ein Dokumentmehr What Our Genetic Information Tells Us About Type 2 Diabetes Risk and Complications
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT
Fraunhofer study report describes AI use cases and sustainable energy concepts
mehrCells of the Future: A Key To Reprogramming Cell Identities
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LEONINE Studios founds LEONINE Animation Studios and increases its stake in Toon2Tango to 50 %
mehr New Source of Stem Cells in Injury-Affected Brains of Patients
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LEONINE Studios sells crime-drama series TROPPO and political thriller series BONN to multiple territories
mehr Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT
Pooling expertise: Fraunhofer IPT and Harro Höfliger cooperate in the manufacturing of ATMP production systems
Understanding the Role of GIP in Managing Diabetes and Obesity
The increasing amount of patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes benefit greatly from the recently developed GIPR:GLP-1R co-agonists. These novel compounds lead to substantial weight loss, offering a revolutionary approach to patients worldwide. Although the hormone glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) was already shown by Helmholtz Munich scientists to decrease body weight via the brain GIP receptor, the ...
mehrInterpreting Large-Scale Medical Datasets: ScPoli Enables Multi-Scale Representations of Cells and Samples
The increasing amount of data recorded in medical research can only lead to scientific breakthroughs and essential therapies for patients if interpreted and analyzed correctly. Computer scientists at Helmholtz Munich developed a generative model named scPoli (single-cell population level integration), that performs ...
mehrDeepMB: A Deep Learning Framework For High-Quality Optoacoustic Imaging in Real-Time
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Radiant Photo Mobile: The world's smartest automatic photo editor, now in your pocket
Ein Dokumentmehr Press Release: Exercise and Muscle Regulation: Implications for Diabetes and Obesity
How do our muscles respond at the molecular level to exercise? Researchers at Helmholtz Munich and the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE) have unraveled the cellular basis and signaling pathways responsible for the p ositive impact of physical activity ...
mehrFraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT
Fraunhofer IPT conducts research into automated series production of optics with new glass press