04.09.2024 – 15:08Aurubis AG2Press release: Aurubis opens innovative ASPA recycling plant in Belgium2 Documentsmore
28.09.2023 – 08:22Aurubis AG5Press release: Aurubis continues to expand its pioneering role in certified metal production through the Copper MarkOne documentmore
29.11.2022 – 05:26researchanalyst.com2Analysis - Developer of mines with more than 200 projectsOne documentmore
24.11.2022 – 09:11Aurubis AGPress Release: Aurubis AG: Collaboration with Anglo American plc for sustainably sourced and supplied copperOne documentmore
20.07.2022 – 17:30China Nonferrous Metal Mining2Reviewing the development of Project Deziwa of CNMCmore
18.03.2022 – 11:21Aurubis AG4Press release: Growth area of battery recycling: Aurubis starts test operation in new pilot plant in Hamburg2 Documentsmore
28.07.2021 – 09:43Aurubis AG4Press Release: ASPA: Aurubis introduces more efficient way of recyclingOne documentmore