Stories about EU

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  • 03.10.2017 – 14:32

    European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)

    ECCHR: Expulsions conducted by Spain at the EU's external borders violate the European Convention on Human Rights

    Berlin (ots) - Spanish authorities systematically and often violently expel refugees and migrants at the border with Morocco. This long-standing practice of push-backs at the external borders of the European Union (EU) is unlawful. Automatic expulsions violate the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), as the ...

  • 26.03.2017 – 12:35

    WDR Westdeutscher Rundfunk

    Merkel: European Funds not to be used as a means of exerting pressure

    Köln (ots) - The Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel rejects the idea of threatening to cut EU subsidies to member states should they fail to comply with EU decisions or violate the principle of the rule of law. In an exclusive interview (WDR) for the ARD-Europamagazin (German Television/Das Erste, 26.03.2017, 12.45 Uhr) held at the sidelines of the Rome Summit, she ...

  • 15.04.2015 – 12:29

    CIVIS Medienstiftung

    CIVIS Media Prize 2015: 21 programmes nominated

    Köln (ots) - 21 radio, film, television and online presentations have been nominated for the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and cultural Diversity 2015. A total of 700 programmes from 21 EU countries and Switzerland were entered for the competition. Westdeutsche Rundfunk received four nominations. Two nominations each went to Swiss Radio and ...

    One document
  • 22.12.2014 – 10:00

    Axel Springer Akademie

    President of EU Parliament Martin Schulz: "Europe is not keeping its promise"

    Berlin (ots) -   In an interview for the launch of the Axel Springer Akademie's English-language digital magazine "GENERATION SEPARATION", the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz (SPD), voiced strong criticism of European politics and its representatives. More and more young people perceive Europe as "undemocratic , boring and aloof." Schulz verbatim: ...

  • 09.12.2014 – 11:00

    CIVIS Medienstiftung

    CIVIS Media Prize 2015 - The European competition opens

    Köln (ots) - Search for Europe's best radio and TV programmes as well as web pages and web videos on the theme of integration and cultural diversity CIVIS again recognizes programme contributions on radio, film and television as well as on the Internet which promote the peaceful coexistence of people of the most varied geographic and cultural origins. In addition to flight and asylum, the focus is on the latest ...

  • 03.12.2014 – 15:00

    European Bioplastics

    Bioplastics production capacities to grow by more than 400% by 2018

    Berlin (ots) - The results of European Bioplastics' annual market data update, presented today at the 9th European Bioplastics Conference in Brussels, confirm the positive growth trend of the global bioplastics industry. "The market is predicted to grow by more than 400 percent in the mid-term," stated François de Bie, Chairman of European Bioplastics. The data compiled in cooperation with the IfBB (Institute for ...