MVW Lechtenberg Projektentwicklungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH
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Revolutionizing Art with Sustainability: Camm Solutions Partners with MemoriesForArt for 3D Printed, Eco-Friendly Astronaut Buddha
moreSHL Medical further strengthens vertical capabilities with the acquisition of US manufacturer Superior Tooling Inc.
moreBiesterfeld and Celanese: global expansion and enhanced joint portfolio as of 2024
Hamburg (ots) - International distributor Biesterfeld and leading technical plastics manufacturer Celanese are further expanding their collaboration in the new year. The partners have agreed to enhance their joint portfolio and to cooperate to develop new markets. Extended distribution rights in the EMEA region Biesterfeld will continue to hold exclusive distribution ...
moreEnvironment Ministers failed to acknowledge the value of biobased and compostable plastics’ innovation for packaging solutions
Brussels (ots) - European Bioplastics reacts to the General Approach adopted by the Environment Council on the proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste. European Bioplastics (EUBP) regrets the position adopted on 18 December by the Environment Ministers in the Environment Council, deeming the ...
moreEUBP unveils the results of the 2023 Market Data Report
Berlin (ots) - European Bioplastics unveils the 2023 edition of the market development update during EBC23 taking place in Berlin, Germany. Main findings show that after a period of stagnation, the overall plastic production is picking up again. The global production for bioplastics is taking off after a few years of stagnation, induced by Covid-19 mainly. This development is driven by rising demand combined with the ...
European Parliament sends mixed signals to the bioplastics sector
moreEuropean Parliament improves rules on packaging recyclability but takes a risky bet on recycled plastic content
moreEuropean Bioplastics sides with specific EU Commission proposal / Why coffee capsules should be compostable
Berlin (ots) - European Bioplastics (EUBP) supports the European Commission’s intention of making coffee capsules mandatorily compostable and calls on the EU Parliament and Council to uphold this specific proposal to not undermine its effectiveness. “While we regret that currently only a limited number of ...
moreProposed new packaging rules acknowledge environmental and climate benefits of compostable plastic packaging
Berlin (ots) - Commission misses opportunity to fully embrace necessary shift to biobased feedstock European Bioplastics (EUBP) welcomes the proposed new rules on packaging and bioplastics adopted today by the European Commission. “We appreciate the Commission’s first comprehensive policy framework on innovative ...
moreBioplastics community gathers at EUBP Conference in Berlin - programme available now
Berlin (ots) - The European Bioplastics (EUBP) Conference, the leading business and networking event for the bioplastics industry, will take place on 6/7 December 2022 in Berlin. “The success story of this conference continues in its 17th edition. We look forward to welcoming the international bioplastics community in Berlin”, says Hasso von Pogrell, EUBP’s ...
moreGrey was yesterday: APK AG presents fully decolourised plastic recyclates - Newcycling® of post-consumer waste proven successful on an industrial scale
United Nations recommends bioplastics as a sustainable alternative to conventional plastics
Berlin (ots) - The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) recently published a report assessing the sustainability of agricultural plastic products.[1] "The report recommends replacing non-biodegradable conventional polymers with biodegradable bio-based polymers. We welcome this recognition of ...
moreRöchling Automotive SE & Co. KG
Röchling Automotive increasingly focuses on lightweight structural design with fiber plastic composites
moreEnel X launches new JuiceBox private charging solutions in Germany
Munich (ots) - - The new Enel X JuiceBox offers a charging experience suitable for all needs and is KfW 440 eligible - Made with recycled plastic in line with the principles of circular economy, the new JuiceBox won the 2020 "Compasso d'Oro" award for industrial design - The JuicePass app enables remote management of JuiceBox and access to more than 90,000 charging ...
moreBioplastics successfully meet all EU safety standards
Berlin (ots) - Products made from bio-based plastics must undergo the same testing procedures as conventional plastic products to access the market of the European Union (EU). Thereby a health risk for consumers is excluded. Plastics intended to be certified as biodegradable or compostable require additional tests. "Products made of bioplastics thus pass even more tests than conventional plastic products," explains Hasso ...
moreAcademic Society for Health Advice
Academic Society for Health Advice presents the "talking waste" / PACCOR gives plastic packaging a digital identity / Visually imperceptible barcode helps sort all kinds of plastics
Hamburg (ots) - As part of an environmentally friendly recycling system, PACCOR, the leading international player in the packaging industry, has introduced plastic packaging solutions with digital identity provided by Digimarc Corporation (NASDAQ: DMRC). This innovation enables the correct identification of each ...
moreRöchling Automotive SE & Co. KG
Röchling Automotive puts sustainable organic plastic on the market
New Circular Economy Action Plan: no circular economy without bioeconomy
Berlin (ots) - "European Bioplastics (EUBP) welcomes the new Circular Economy Action Plan (nCEAP). It's an ambitious step forward to transform Europe into a circular economy", says François de Bie, Chairman of European Bioplastics. "As EUBP, we especially endorse the European Commission's (EC) commitment to support the 'sustainable and circular bio-based sector ...
moreField test: compostable plastics break down in less than 22 days in industrial composting
moreThe green future of the packaging industry / How Liquid Glass marches into battle against plastic waste
moreSMACK Communications develops new RKW Group website / Launch of the new corporate website of RKW, one of the world's foremost manufacturers of excellent film solutions
moreReduction of single-use plastics needs to tie in with circular economy actions and consumption realities in Europe
Berlin (ots) - The European Parliament approved yesterday its report on the draft Directive on Marine Pollution and Single-use Plastics. "European Bioplastics fully supports the transition from a linear to a circular economy. Bioplastics enable more sustainable solutions for a range of products", says François de ...
moreEU waste legislation recognises benefits of bioplastics
EU Plastics Strategy misses chance to fully embrace the benefits of bio-based and biodegradable plastics
Berlin (ots) - The European Strategy for Plastics, published on Tuesday by the European Commission, sets clear goals to curb plastic waste, increase resource efficiency, and to create job growth in Europe, but falls short on presenting a comprehensive approach by limiting the focus of the strategy on mechanical ...
moreNew studies confirm: biodegradable plastics boost organic recycling and improve mechanical recycling
Berlin (ots) - Biodegradable plastics offer innovative solutions to improve recycling quality by facilitating the means for more efficient separate waste collection. This has been confirmed by a new study concerning the effects of biodegradable plastics on plastics recycling streams in Italy, where all single-use carrier bags have to be compostable since 2011. ...
moreBioplastics production capacities to grow by more than 400% by 2018
Berlin (ots) - The results of European Bioplastics' annual market data update, presented today at the 9th European Bioplastics Conference in Brussels, confirm the positive growth trend of the global bioplastics industry. "The market is predicted to grow by more than 400 percent in the mid-term," stated François de Bie, Chairman of European Bioplastics. The data compiled in cooperation with the IfBB (Institute for ...
moreEuropean Parliament vote on plastic bags confirms important contribution of compostable bags to enhanced biowaste collection
Berlin (ots) - Today the European Parliament adopted a report to demonstrate its support for decisive action to reduce the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags in Europe. European Bioplastics supports the outcome of the vote and the corresponding provisions for compostable plastic carrier bags. François ...
moreUp to 10 % compostable plastic do not affect mechanical properties of recyclates
Berlin (ots) - Up to 10 percent compostable plastics mixing with conventional plastics in post-consumer recycling streams show no or negligible impact on the mechanical performance of the recyclates. This is the key finding of a meta-study published by European Bioplastics. Bioplastics are biobased, compostable, or both. Biobased plastics films are chemically identical ...
moreBan or tax oil-based plastic shopping bags, says European Bioplastics
Berlin (ots) - European Bioplastics publishes its latest position paper on shopping bags, ahead of the forthcoming European Commission proposal on single use plastic bags announced today by Commissioner Janez Potocnik. The association recognises that an overall reduction in the consumption of plastic shopping bags will play an important role in increasing resource ...