Stories about Rohstoff
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Bravura to build large-scale lithium processing plant in Germany to provide lithium hydroxide to German automotive OEMs and suppliers from 2027
Frankfurt am Main, Germany (ots) - - Leading African mining group Bravura, sister entity to Africa’s largest indigenous oil and gas producer AITEO, to build large scale lithium processing plant in Germany by 2027. - Final site location in Germany to be determined in early 2025. - Lithium hydroxide, an essential ...
moreGermany Moves Toward Greater Raw Materials Autonomy
Berlin (ots) - Dutch company AMG has opened Europe’s first lithium refinery plant in the eastern German area of Bitterfeld-Wolfen, as the German government pledges a billion euros to support domestic and international raw materials projects. The refinery is expected to produce 20,000 metric tons of battery-grade lithium hydroxide annually – sufficient to supply around half a million electric vehicle batteries. This ...
morePCC BakkiSilicon hf. receives ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification for critical raw material silicon / PCC subsidiary becomes first silicon producer to receive ISCC certification for carbon footprint
moreIn Gold We Trust Report 2023 "Showdown"
Schaan / Vienna (ots) - On May 24, 2023, this year's - now 17th - In Gold We Trust report was presented at an international press conference broadcast live on the Internet. The authors of the report are the two fund managers Ronald-Peter Stöferle and Mark J. Valek from the Liechtenstein-based asset manager Incrementum AG. The 400+ page In Gold We Trust report is renowned worldwide and has been dubbed the "gold standard ...
morePeter Cremer Holding GmbH & Co. KG
CREMER ERZKONTOR opens office in India
Lübeck (ots) - CREMER ERZKONTOR, the international raw material management company from Germany, recently opened a new subsidiary in Asia, in Chennai, India. This move gives the company a new point of contact, from which it can serve its Indian customers and suppliers even better going forward. In addition to expanding the trading business locally, the office will help with accessing new raw materials and sources. “As ...
Proposed new packaging rules acknowledge environmental and climate benefits of compostable plastic packaging
Berlin (ots) - Commission misses opportunity to fully embrace necessary shift to biobased feedstock European Bioplastics (EUBP) welcomes the proposed new rules on packaging and bioplastics adopted today by the European Commission. “We appreciate the Commission’s first comprehensive policy framework on innovative ...
moreInvestor talks at International Precious Metals & Commodities Show in Germany
Munich (ots) - Apaton, focused on investor relations work in the DACH region, will accompany five commodity companies from Canada to the International Precious Metals & Commodities Show in Munich, Germany, November 4-5, 2022. The fair has been held annually since 2005 and brings together investors and companies from the precious metals and commodities sectors. The ...
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Reviewing the development of Project Deziwa of CNMC
more German Supplier From Frankfurt Delivers Critical Raw Materials To The UK Despite Shortages
moreStrong demand for gold among investors: Xetra-Gold achieves all-time high in gold holdings with 221.7 tons
moreEurope's leading gold-backed ETC Xetra-Gold now available in the Nordics
KfW IPEX-Bank finances US copper mine
Frankfurt am Main (ots) - KfW IPEX-Bank is providing USD 115 million in long-term project financing backed by an untied loan guarantee to support the Nevada Copper Corporation's (TSX:NCU) Pumpkin Hollow underground copper mine project. The untied loan guarantee under the German Federal Government's UFK scheme and the contribution from KfW IPEX-Bank stem from a long-term off-take agreement between Nevada Copper and German ...
moreNASCO AG: New Helium Plant Commenced Operation at DBK
Hamburg (ots) - AMCS Plant Commencement NASCO Energie & Rohstoff AG (NASCO), a natural resource specialist headquartered in Hamburg, Germany and active in the USA, is pleased to announce an operational update to its new Helium separation plant at Dineh-Bi-Keyah (DBK) in Arizona. DBK Helium and Oil Field, Arizona: Nasco is pleased to announce that after extensive modifications carried out by AMCS the new Helium Processing ...
moreCorporate anniversary: DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG turns 120 / Merger in the making
moreKfW IPEX-Bank provides financing for a UFK-backed silicon project in Iceland
Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - KfW IPEX-Bank is helping German firm PCC SE to invest in Iceland - Project backed by the UFK scheme secures Germany's supply of raw materials - State-of-the-art technology from SMS Siemag - an EPC turnkey contractor - First large-volume, commercial form of structured project finance in Iceland By providing investment finance in the amount of ...
moreMKM Mansfelder Kupfer- und Messing GmbH
Roland Harings becomes CEO at MKM
Hettstedt (ots) - - Management team complete now - Copper specialist with a turnover of more than EUR 1 billion plans to grow profitably - New products and customer groups in focus Roland Harings will become the new CEO of MKM Mansfelder Kupfer und Messing GmbH (MKM), Hettstedt. With more than 1,000 employees and a turnover of more than EUR 1.0 billion (2013) MKM is one of the four leading manufacturers of semi-finished copper products. The company processed more than ...
moreExport finance to the tune of USD 800 million for sheet steel plant in the US
Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - KfW IPEX-Bank finances one of North America's largest and most state-of-the-art production facilities - Supporting Germany as a high-tech manufacturing location: SMS Siemag to supply core components for the highly efficient steel plant - Recycling: Using scrap steel as the primary raw material conserves resources in the production of ...
Heraeus plans resurgence after two slow financial years
Hanau (ots) - The Hanau-based Heraeus precious metals and technology group finished financial year 2013 with satisfactory results despite some lower numbers. This was announced by the Heraeus Holding GmbH Board of Management at a press conference on annual results held in Frankfurt on May 8. The slowing pace of growth in China - an important market for Heraeus - combined with continued market uncertainty in Europe and the ...
moreHeraeus: Key decisions made to improve revenue and results
Hanau (ots) - Heraeus, the Hanau-based precious metals and technology Group, has honed its strategy for future growth. The company has already launched a number of initiatives designed to spur this growth between now and 2020. In the coming years, Heraeus will invest several hundred million euros in research and development as well as the associated infrastructure. One focal point will be at the company headquarters in ...
moreResources from the Sea: Can the ocean solve the resource problems of the future?
Hamburg/Kiel (ots) - In »World Ocean Review 3«, maribus has published a profound analysis of the opportunities and risks associated with the use of the oceans. The hunger of mankind for raw materials continues unabated. Oil consumption has doubled since the early 1970s, and the demand for mineral resources is increasing with the ever growing use of metals, such as ...
moreNew scientific arguments in favour of industrial use of food crops / Choice of feedstock dependent solely on efficiency and sustainabilit (BILD)
moreDeutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
Women power for environmental protection: "Turned visions into reality even in the face of massive resistance" (BILD)
moreKfW IPEX-Bank: Syndicated financing of USD 2 billion for German plant engineering exports to Reliance Industries Limited in India
Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - KfW IPEX-Bank structures syndicated financing amounting to USD 2 billion - Reliance Industries Ltd. as borrower plans to expand production at four locations in India - Transaction has great relevance for German plant engineering sector: expected delivery volume of up to EUR 1.6 billion An ...