Stories about Studie
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TechSmith: New research shows the importance of using video at work
Okemos (ots) - Since the start of the global pandemic, the need for informal training videos for everyday use has expanded. A recent study conducted by TechSmith, which surveyed office workers from six countries, reveals that videos are highly popular among employees, especially in the modern workplaces where information needs to be conveyed concisely and efficiently. According to the study, the vast majority (83 percent) ...
moreEndoscopic surgery of herniated discs demonstrates statistically significant pain relief and cost effectiveness compared to open procedures
Munich (ots) - A team of physicians, led by neurosurgeon Dr. B.S. Harhangi from Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, recently published a study demonstrating considerable relief for patients with herniated discs after using the MaxMoreSpine© System. For the first time, a scientific study compares outcome and ...
moreUnited Nations recommends bioplastics as a sustainable alternative to conventional plastics
Berlin (ots) - The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) recently published a report assessing the sustainability of agricultural plastic products.[1] "The report recommends replacing non-biodegradable conventional polymers with biodegradable bio-based polymers. We welcome this recognition of ...
moreNTT DATA Business Solutions AG
NTT DATA ranked 6th on the Lünendonk list of the top providers of “Digital Experience Services in Germany”
moreShockwave therapy brings new healing opportunities for heart attack patients and hope for people with spinal cord injuries
Vienna (ots) - Success Story of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) Successful for over 40 years in urology for the disintegration of kidney stones, with high efficiency and hardly any side effects worth mentioning. How does the shock wave work? Without causing mechanical damage, shockwaves trigger a biological ...
Fraunhofer-Institut für Sichere Informationstechnologie SIT
Study: IT security for electric cars in China
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
News offerings for Generation Z: #UseTheNews playbook published by dpa, BDZV, and HAW Hamburg
moreVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
For about one third pandemic provokes a new perception of country life
Berlin (ots) - • More than half of all urbanites could imagine moving to the countryside – in contrast, the majority of rural residents want to stay where they live. • This is a main finding of the Vodafone Institute’s Digitising Europe Pulse, a citizen survey, conducted by Kantar in 15 European countries. • For about one third the pandemic provokes a new ...
moreVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
Homeworking study: Hybrid working guided by seasonal energy savings could lead to a greener Europe
Berlin (ots) - - New Study by the Carbon Trust, commissioned by the Vodafone Institute, calculates carbon savings and rebound effects of home office models pre, during and post the pandemic in Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Spain and the UK - Potential carbon savings aided by hybrid working could save up to 12.2mt of CO2 emissions per year in Germany - ...
moreVodafone Stiftung Deutschland gGmbH
Paris / London (ots) - New pan-European digital education initiative from Vodafone’s Foundations to empower students in critical use of digital technologies. European students are struggling to manage the flood of information provided by internet and digital services, according to a new OECD PISA-report ‘21st ...
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
#UseTheNews study: Young people often feel that journalistic news lacks a connection to the reality of their own lives
Sysmex Inostics Presents Data at AACR Demonstrating SafeSEQ NGS Liquid Biopsy Delivers Equivalent Performance to the Extensively Clinically Validated OncoBEAM dPCR Technology for NSCLC Patients
Baltimore, MD, USA (ots) - Sysmex Inostics, Inc., a global leader of the liquid biopsy revolution for oncology, is presenting the poster “Clinical evaluation of NGS-based liquid biopsy testing in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients” at the 112th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer ...
moreRevolutionary face mask can prevent cross-contamination
moreUMIT - The Health & Life Sciences University
University UMIT TIROL publishes the first population model to evaluate benefits and harms of universal salt iodization
Hall in Tirol (ots) - An article recently published by Schaffner and colleagues in the medical journal "Thyroid" summarizes the results of a decision-analytic population modeling study evaluating the benefits and harms of universal salt iodization. Iodine is a micronutrient that is essential for the production of ...
moreDIW study: nine major European cities will be missing around 1.2 million flats by 2030 - gap between supply and demand the greatest in London
moreSysmex Inostics' Liquid Biopsy Testing Benefits Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Patient Management
Baltimore, MD (ots) - Sysmex Inostics, Inc., a global leader and pioneer in blood-based circulating cell-free tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis for oncology, today announces the publication of a clinical study investigating the utility of cfDNA-based markers using the highly sensitive OncoBEAM RAS assay, an enhanced ...
moreEffectiveness and efficiency of targeted intra-operative single dose radiotherapy for breast cancer patients confirmed
Jena, Germany (ots) - New long-term results from the international TARGIT-A breast cancer study, based on ZEISS technology, have been published [1] Use of targeted intra-operative radiotherapy (TARGIT), as a single dose - with ZEISS INTRABEAM - directly after removal of a tumor, confirmed as non-inferior, when ...
Sysmex-Inostics Colorectal Cancer Blood-Based OncoBEAMTM RAS CE-IVD Test Shows Concordance with Standard of Care Tissue-Based RAS Testing
Baltimore, Maryland (ots) - Sysmex-Inostics, Inc., a global leader and pioneer in blood-based circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis for oncology, today announces the publication of a clinical study evaluating the performance of plasma RAS mutation testing with OncoBEAM RAS CRC as compared to standard of care ...
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Innovation: Intelligent bacteria demonstrate high efficacy in the treatment of widespread disease irritable bowel syndrome with typical symptoms of recurrent diarrhoea, abdominal pain, bloating and constipation
more Field test: compostable plastics break down in less than 22 days in industrial composting
moreSysmex Inostics and Oxford Gene Technology plasma and tissue sequencing show clearance of ctDNA correlates with pathologic complete response in breast cancer patients during neoadjuvant treatment
Hamburg, Germany and Baltimore, Maryland (ots) - Pathologist Dr. Vincente Peg of the Vall d´Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona Spain) and colleagues have presented a correlation between the clearance of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in HER2-positive or triple-negative breast cancer patients undergoing ...
moreBCI Emergency Communications Report 2020: Organizations can implement emergency communications plans quicker and more effectively thanks to technological innovation, training and exercising of plans
Caversham, UK (ots) - The Business Continuity Institute (BCI), in partnership with F24, has released the 5th edition of the BCI Emergency Communications Report. This annual publication provides insight into how organizations communicate in an emergency, the key communication challenges organizations face and how ...
moreNew in-vivo study confirms that ciliate vaccine protects against flu
news aktuell Trend Report 2019: Journalists continue to be the most important influencers for PR professionals in Germany
One documentmoreSME study: Companies wish for new financing models
Frankfurt (ots) - Nine out of ten medium-sized industrial companies would find a financing model attractive in which the loan conditions are not primarily determined by historical financial ratios and available collateral, but by data that substantiates the performance of the investment and makes it verifiable at any time. The willingness to make the corresponding data available to lenders is high. These are the results ...
moreSysmex Inostics publishes first feasibility study of NGS-based liquid biopsy to complement early breast cancer screening by imaging
Hamburg/Baltimore (ots) - Using Sysmex Inostics' novel SafeSEQ next-generation sequencing cell-free DNA technology, investigators from the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga [(IBIMA)-CIMES-UMA, Malaga Spain] and collaborators have published the first pilot study to examine the use of a non-invasive liquid ...
moreNew laboratory study reveals that highly-toxic hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids are released when PTFE burns
moreStudy of SMEs: Return-Turbo Digitization - Outperformers rely on IoT, AI and Co.
Frankfurt (ots) - For 37 percent of medium-sized companies with above-average returns, topics such as the Internet of Things or artificial intelligence are very important in ongoing investment planning. By comparison, only 18 percent of companies with an average or below-average return put these topics at the top of their agenda. These are the results of the ...
moreBack-to-the-future retail banking: New paths to greater profitability in European retail banking