10.07.2024 – 09:10PAPACKS Sales GmbHRevolutionary Partnership Announced: How Wandarra and PAPACKS® Aim to Turn the Tide on Plastic Waste in Australiamehr
01.07.2024 – 14:42MVW Lechtenberg Projektentwicklungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH2Groundbreaking Plastic Waste Management Project Launching in Saudi Arabiamehr
31.01.2024 – 09:38Camm SolutionsRevolutionizing Art with Sustainability: Camm Solutions Partners with MemoriesForArt for 3D Printed, Eco-Friendly Astronaut Buddhamehr
28.11.2023 – 14:37European BioplasticsEuropean Parliament sends mixed signals to the bioplastics sectormehr
23.11.2023 – 11:53Flexible Packaging EuropeEuropean Parliament improves rules on packaging recyclability but takes a risky bet on recycled plastic contentmehr
16.12.2021 – 11:30APK AGGrey was yesterday: APK AG presents fully decolourised plastic recyclates - Newcycling® of post-consumer waste proven successful on an industrial scalemehr
21.02.2020 – 13:00European BioplasticsField test: compostable plastics break down in less than 22 days in industrial compostingmehr
14.02.2020 – 14:10nanopool GmbHThe green future of the packaging industry / How Liquid Glass marches into battle against plastic wastemehr
24.09.2019 – 14:58Pentahotels2Penta Hotels takes part in World Cleanup Day to support their local communities in cleaning up neighbourhoodsmehr