Storys zum Thema Politik
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WSSCC approved to become the Sanitation and Hygiene Fund
mehr BDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on restarting Brexit negotiations: "Resumption of the talks is a long-expected signal"
Berlin (ots) - With respect to the resumption of the Brexit negotiations, BDI Director General Joachim Lang says: "Resumption of the talks is a long-expected signal" - "The fact that the EU and the United Kingdom are resuming talks on their future relationship is a long-expected signal. The corona crisis currently demands a great deal of attention and valuable time ...
mehrVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
Survey: European policy benefits national digital development
Berlin (ots) - More than two-thirds of Europeans (68%) believe that European policy and legislation is having a positive impact on their country's digital development, a new survey of the Vodafone Institute, the European think-tank of the Vodafone Group, has revealed. Citizens in Hungary and Poland (75%) were most convinced that membership of the EU is beneficial to national digital development, compared to people from ...
mehrBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on Brexit: "Withdrawal is the right step on the wrong path"
Berlin (ots) - - Without an extension of the transition period, only a basic agreement is possible - EU must protect businesses from unfair competition - A hard Brexit at the end of the year is not off the table The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU on Friday is the right step on the wrong path, according to the Federation of German Industries (BDI). "The uncertainty surrounding the withdrawal may be over, but ...
mehrBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI reaction to election results in the UK: The political fog in London is clearing
Berlin (ots) - In response to the election results in the UK, BDI Director General Joachim Lang comments: "The political fog in London is clearing." "The political fog in London is clearing. The outcome of this election is linked to the mandate to quickly accept the withdrawal agreement. - No company in Germany wants Brexit. Nevertheless, our companies breathe a sigh ...
mehrBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
Run-up to the investiture of the new European Commission: Federation of German Industries calls for Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to swiftly present a modern EU industrial strategy
Berlin (ots) - In light of the investiture of the new European Commission, Director General Managing Director of the German Federation of German Industries (BDI) Joachim Lang calls for Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to present a modern EU industrial strategy without delay. - "German industry appeals to ...
mehrGlobal Health Centre, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
The Lancet and Financial Times partner for first joint Commission on Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world
Ein DokumentmehrDeutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
"Bold decisions today will trigger positive interactions for tomorrow" / Federal President presents DBU's German Environmental Award today - Kögel-Knabner and Schneider honoured
Mannheim (ots) - Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has called on the citizens to "make bold decisions today" in environmental and climate protection to trigger "positive interactions for tomorrow". "The future is not simply predestined. It's up to us what we make of it," he said today at the presentation of ...
mehrDeutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)
DBU honours innovators in the field of environmental protection who offer solutions for the future
Mannheim (ots) - The German Environmental Prize was awarded to soil researcher Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner and entrepreneur Reinhard Schneider The German Environmental Foundation (DBU) has awarded the German Environmental Prize for the 27th time. Today in Mannheim, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the Head of the Board of Trustees of the DBU and ...
mehrBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on Brexit: "No free pass for postponement"
Berlin (ots) - - Last minute extension of deadline particularly expensive for companies - No recognizable plan from London for preventing a no-deal Brexit - Business must prepare for a hard Brexit The Federation of German Industries (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie BDI) has expressed its concerns about a further postponement of Brexit without a clear goal. "There will be no free pass for a postponement without a ...
mehrHHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
2HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management Confers Honorary Doctorate to Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel / Press Accreditation Procedure for the Event Now Open / Laudatory Address: Christine Lagarde
mehrBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on the decision of the British Conservatives to appoint Boris Johnson as party leader: "Threats from London are harmful and will come back like a boomerang"
Berlin (ots) - Reacting to the decision of the British Conservative Party to appoint Boris Johnson as party leader, BDI Director General Joachim Lang says that "threats from London are harmful and will come back like a boomerang." "The economy urgently needs a UK government that makes feasible decisions. Threats ...
mehrEuropäisches Parlament EUreWAHL
Media Service EUrVOTE: Continuing coverage after the European Parliament election
mehrEuropäisches Parlament EUreWAHL
Media Service EUrVOTE offers running coverage of the European Parliament elections
mehr#vote4friendship - for Europe
mehrEuropäisches Parlament EUreWAHL
Media service EUrVOTE posts widgets for the European election
mehrEuropäisches Parlament EUreWAHL
Media service EUrVOTE: New theme package - "Future of the EU"
mehrEuropäisches Parlament EUreWAHL
Media service EUrVOTE: New theme package - "Economy and trade"
mehrHorizon 2020 - Open to the World
Horizon Europe: The biggest Research and Innovation programme you've never heard of
Brussels (ots) - 'Horizon Europe must be more than a science programme; it needs to be the cornerstone for a new 'social contract' between citizens, governments and science.' [1] Horizon Europe, the European Union's next Research and Innovation (R&I) Programme, will run for seven years, from 2021 to 2027. With a proposed budget of EUR94.6 billion, it is the EU's ...
mehrEuropäisches Parlament EUreWAHL
Media-Service EUrVOTE: New theme package - "Digital Change and Innovation"
mehrBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on extension of Brexit deadline: The suspense continues
Berlin (ots) - In response to the decision by the European Council, BDI chief executive Joachim Lang says: "The suspense continues" - "The suspense continues. The extension of the deadline means that the agonizing uncertainty for business goes on. Our companies need clarity. And for this, the British government must conclude the Brexit process as quickly as possible. - The EU has once again stretched out its hand to the ...
mehrEuropäisches Parlament EUreWAHL
EUrVote publishes new information package on migration and the interior
mehrEuropean Capital of Smart Tourism
European Capital of Smart Tourism 2020 competition launched
Brussels (ots) - Today, the European Commission launched the competition for the European Capital of Smart Tourism 2020. This initiative rewards European cities for outstanding, innovative and sustainable tourism practices. Tourism is the EU's third largest socio-economic activity, representing around 10% of the EU's GDP. The sector plays a crucial role in generating growth and jobs, but still holds untapped potential. ...
mehrBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
Federation of German Industries (BDI): "British politicians should not postpone decisions anymore"
Berlin (ots) - - London should stop the Brexit process, if no majority can be found - Companies are preparing for no-deal Brexit - EU needs to keep on track "British politicians should not postpone decisions anymore. All the options are on the table. It would be absurd for the United Kingdom to slide into a hard Brexit in four weeks' time, one that even the majority in ...
mehrVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
German chancellor Angela Merkel at the Digitising Europe Summit: "5G roll-out is important, but must also be physically feasible"
Berlin (ots) - German chancellor Angela Merkel has promoted a rapid but realistic expansion of fast Internet infrastructure. At the Digitising Europe Summit organised by the Vodafone Institute, she said: "In the 5G discussion, everyone is saying that this is a good time to put all kinds of things into it, especially ...
mehrGermany Sees Red: Eon Becoming a New Energy Monopoly
mehrVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
German Chancellor Angela Merkel opens Vodafone Institute's Digitising Europe Summit in Berlin on 19 February
Berlin (ots) - True to the motto 'The Future of Made in Europe', the Vodafone Institute will assemble international business executives, tech start-up founders, scientists in Berlin on 19 February. They will be joined by experts from the digital scene and civil society to discuss their vision for a digital Europe. ...
mehrBusiness Opportunities after Brexit: NRW-British Economic Meeting in Birmingham / January 24th, 6pm at Conference Aston
Münster (ots) - Enterprises in the United Kingdom and the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) have been trusted partners for decades. Brexit shall not change this: The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia along with the heads of the Chamber ...
mehrBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI chief executive Joachim Lang: "Hysteria has won out - no time left for the hangover"
Berlin (ots) - "The rejection of the withdrawal agreement is alarming. Where common sense was required, hysteria has won out. Any chance of finding a route out of the chaos has been lost for the present. Businesses on both this side and the other side of the English Channel continue to be left hanging in mid-air. A chaotic Brexit is drawing dangerously closer. The top ...