20.12.2024 – 12:08EUROJET Turbo GmbHEUROJET signs contract to provide 59 engines to the Spanish Air Force Eurofighter Fleetmore
23.10.2024 – 10:00DHL GroupPM: DHL und IAG Cargo erneuern Partnerschaft für nachhaltige Luftfracht / PR: DHL and IAG Cargo solidify partnership to drive sustainable air freightmore
31.07.2024 – 12:20DHL Group3PM: DHL verlängert Partnerschaft mit Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG bis 2053 / PR: DHL extends partnership with Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG until 2053more
25.07.2024 – 12:00DHL Group3PM: DHL Express investiert mehr als 40 Millionen Euro in den Bau eines europäischen Flugzeugwartungshangars am spanischen Flughafen Vitoria / PR: DHL Express invests more than EUR 40 million to build European aircraft maintenance hangar at Vitoria Aimore
29.05.2024 – 10:01DHL Group2PM: IATA CEIV Pharma Certification für DHL Global Forwarding / PR: IATA CEIV Pharma Certification for DHL Global Forwarding2 Documentsmore
07.07.2023 – 10:30CUSTOMCELLS®Another step towards electrified aviation: CustomCells enters cooperation with VÆRIDIONmore
08.05.2023 – 12:01DHL GroupPM: DHL Express führt GoGreen Plus Option für sein Luftfrachtprodukt ein / PR: DHL Express launches GoGreen Plus option for its air cargo product2 Documentsmore
05.05.2023 – 12:44planqc GmbHplanqc awarded EUR 29 million contract from the DLR to build and install scalable neutral-atom quantum computermore
27.04.2023 – 12:05DHL GroupPM: DHL Global Forwarding und Turkish Cargo unterzeichnen Memorandum of Understanding / PR: DHL Global Forwarding and Turkish Cargo sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their cooperation2 Documentsmore
20.04.2023 – 10:01DHL GroupPM: DHL Express erweitert seine Flugzeugflotte um neun durch Mammoth umgebaute B777-200LR Maschinen / PR: DHL Express upgrades its fleet with the order of nine Mammoth-converted B777-200LR freightersmore
04.04.2023 – 10:01Fraport AGMilestone Reached: Lima Airport Inaugurates Second RunwayOne documentmore
09.03.2023 – 15:58DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbHDubai Air Navigation Services (dans) and DFS Aviation Services signs contract for ATC systems supplymore
31.01.2023 – 08:01Media Frankfurt GmbH2Press release: Berlin Brandenburg Airport and Media Frankfurt sign advertising alliancemore
17.11.2022 – 11:00Salzburger Eisenbahn Transport Logistik GmbH3Salzburg entrepreneur becomes number 1 in worldwide collecting of airportsmore
07.07.2022 – 14:15SkyTender Solutions AGNew Standard for in-flight Beverage Catering saves Tons of CO2more
14.06.2022 – 11:00Materna IPS GmbH2Zurich Airport deploys self bag drop installation with German supplier Materna IPSmore
08.06.2022 – 14:05SkyTender Solutions AG3Flying green: Revolutionary beverage catering saves millions of euros and tons of wastemore
14.12.2021 – 17:24Materna IPS GmbH2Spirit Airlines Partners up with Materna IPS to Revolutionize DFW with new Self-Bag Drop Installation to Streamline Travel Experiencemore
01.12.2021 – 16:27Materna IPS GmbH2Denver International Airport (DEN) opens the United States’ largest Self-Bag Drop (SBD) installation in cooperation with Materna IPS, United Airlines, and Southwest Airlinesmore
11.11.2021 – 07:30Hellmann Worldwide LogisticsHellmann SmartAir!: First tool to provide precise calculation of CO2 footprint of air freight shipmentsmore
02.09.2021 – 10:00Materna IPS GmbH2Materna IPS deploys Biometric Face Recognition at Tokyo Haneda Airportmore
09.12.2019 – 17:18Lufthansa Consulting GmbHLufthansa Consulting wins "Excellent" prize with Air Service Development project for Auckland International Airport / Awarded again "Best of Consulting" by WirtschaftsWochemore
13.11.2019 – 17:15gegenwind2011 Rhein-Main e.V.11"Germany-does-not-fly" / The campaign of the year 2020 against domestic flights has started at Frankfurt Int. Airport / "Deutschland-fliegt-nicht" die Kampagne des Jahres 2020 gegen Inlandsflüge startete im Frankfurter Flughafenmore
15.07.2019 – 14:24Lufthansa Consulting GmbHLufthansa Consulting and German Aerospace Center agree strategic innovation partnership / Promotion of technology transfer and innovation for joint projectsmore