Stories about Luftverkehr
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PM: DHL Express führt GoGreen Plus Option für sein Luftfrachtprodukt ein / PR: DHL Express launches GoGreen Plus option for its air cargo product
2 DocumentsmoreFraport Group’s Business Performance Improves Noticeably in the First Quarter of 2023
Frankfurt/Main, Germany (ots) - Operating result (EBITDA) more than doubles to €158.3 million – Full-year outlook confirmed – CEO Schulte: We’re heading in the right direction. Business boosted by passenger recovery in the first quarter Fraport successfully started the new 2023 business year, ...
One documentmorePM: DHL Global Forwarding und Turkish Cargo unterzeichnen Memorandum of Understanding / PR: DHL Global Forwarding and Turkish Cargo sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their cooperation
2 DocumentsmoreMilestone Reached: Lima Airport Inaugurates Second Runway
One documentmoreRecovery Continues: Fraport's 2022 Fiscal Year Marked by Strong Demand
Frankfurt/Main, Germany (ots) - Group result improves to EUR166.6 million - CEO Schulte expects continued traffic growth during summer by about 15 to 25 percent - Tighter climate targets for 2030: Fraport aims to cut carbon emissions by 78 percent compared to 1990 base-year Fraport AG's business ...
One documentmorePM: DHL stärkt globales Luftfrachtnetz mit Cargojet-Partnerschaft / PR: DHL strengthens global aviation network with Cargojet partnership
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PM: DHL Express mit wegweisenden Kooperationen zum Einsatz nachhaltiger Flugkraftstoffe (SAF): bp und Neste liefern über 800 Millionen Liter SAF / PR: DHL Express announces two of the largest ever Sustainable Aviation Fuel deals with bp and Neste am
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PM: DHL und Singapore Airlines vereinbaren Ausbau ihrer Partnerschaft / PR: DHL and Singapore Airlines ink new agreement to expand partnership
2 Documentsmore PM: DHL startet GoGreen Plus Service für echte Emissionsreduktion in der Luftfracht / PR: DHL Global Forwarding launches GoGreen Plus Service to reduce emissions in air freight
2 DocumentsmorePR: DHL purchases 33 million liters of sustainable aviation fuel from Air France KLM Martinair Cargo | PM: DHL kauft 33 Millionen Liter nachhaltigen Flugzeugtreibstoff über Air France KLM Martinair Cargo
2 DocumentsmorePM: Vertragsabschluss mit Neste unterstreicht Engagement für nachhaltigen Luftverkehr / PR: New deal with Neste underlines commitment to Sustainable Aviation
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