Storys zum Thema Demokratie
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Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
Commemoration of the European Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti on 2 August 2024
mehrRegional parliament member Christian Tischner (CDU) and Mayor of Greiz Alexander Schulze visit Koehler Paper site in Greiz
mehrResearchers: The future of democracy is on the ballot in Europe
mehrGovernance researchers ask: 'Can we still call India a democracy?'
mehrUS governance decline: 'Democracies rarely implode quickly'
Tunisian governance 'backsliding' as Arab Spring gains prove fleeting
mehrMost of the world is living under eroding democratic accountability
mehr- 4
Report: Most people live where democratic accountability is eroding
mehr Researchers find 'democracy challenged' in global governance rankings
mehr- 2
Report: BRICS+ likely new counterpoint to G7-led geopolitical order
mehr Report: BRICS+ likely new counterpoint to G7-led geopolitical order
How to halt democracy erosion
Gütersloh (ots) - The quality of democracy in developing and transformation countries has been in steady decline over the past 20 years. The latest findings of the Transformation Index of the Bertelsmann Stiftung, now in its tenth edition, show that out of 137 countries surveyed, only 63 remain democracies, while a majority are classified as autocracies. However, there is reason for hope. The examples of the transformation countries Brazil and Poland, where voters have ...
mehrLarge majority recognises disinformation as danger to democracy
Gütersloh/Berlin (ots) - The German population is concerned about disinformation being disseminated deliberately over the internet. They fear that political opinions and elections are being influenced in this way. The political class, civil society and the media must confront this challenge. Comparison with the United States shows that polarisation boosts awareness of ...
mehrDiEM25 launches campaign to prevent Jeremy Corbyn’s strategic bankruptcy
Ein DokumentmehrGermany’s ‘green’ foreign minister and the EU’s ‘social democrat’ foreign affairs chief just confirmed that the EU has adopted the ultra-right’s agenda
Brussels, 17 october 2022 The ultra-right’s racist agenda is now the EU’s official agenda, adopted even by high-ranking social democratic and green officials. Two statements issued over the past few days confirm this sad ...
mehrDiEM25 calls for overthrowing the European oligarchy in first renewal of its manifesto since 2016
Ein DokumentmehrIAPC Awards 2022 Democracy Medal to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and The People of Ukraine
Washington, DC (ots) - --News Direct-- The International Association of Political Consultants (IAPC) announced today that it is awarding the prestigious 2022 Democracy Medal to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy on behalf of the Ukrainian people. The citation notes that this award is “in recognition of ...
Dušan Pajović presents “Beyond a Green New Deal: DiEM25’s Plan to Democratise Europe” at the New European Bauhaus. For a Just Design of Climate Politics digital symposium
mehrInternational Association of Political Consultants Democracy Medal Presented to Women of Belarus at recent ceremony
Vienna (ots) - --News Direct-- Former International Association of Political Consultants (IAPC) President Sepp Hartinger accompanied by IAPC member Christoph Hofinger and Secretary General of the Austrian Journalists Club, Barbara Meister presented the Democracy Award to Swiatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Veronica Tsepkalo ...
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: “We need a radical transition and more bold action for democracy”
mehrPublic benefit foundations: European conference opens in Vienna
Vienna (ots) - For three days (18-20 Oct.) 400 guests will discuss issues relating to the general topic “From crisis to opportunity – How can philanthropy accelerate sustainable change?” The city of Vienna is currently the European capital of philanthropy: for three days some 400 representatives of philanthropic foundations and organisations operating across ...
mehr#EuroLeaks - "How Europe's leaders take intransparent decisions about our future"